Energy, clusters and social innovations for sustainable development: round table

7 мая8 мая 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Индексирование сборника: Scopus, Web of Science

Организаторы: Mykolas Romeris University; Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center

Контактное лицо: Manuela Tvaronaviciene

emal: [email protected]

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The roundtable is aimed at sharing of obtained results during four year lasting implementation of the EU financed Horizon 2020 project CLUSDEVMED.

Besides this aim, the roundtable seeks new interested stakeholders, which would be interested to present their scientific works in order, ultimately, develop the following project proposal for Horizon 2020, topic: „ENERGY SECURITY, CYBER SECURITY AND CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION“

Target group is young and experienced researchers, practitioners, master and doctoral students and society members interested in contemporary issues of sustainable development, related to clustering, social innovation, energy security, critical infrastructure etc.

May 7. Arrival, registration, welcoming cocktail at recommended hotel (will be announced)

May 8. Round table (The event address: Didlaukio 55, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)

The programme will include:

  • Presentation of papers by invited speakers;
  • Papers/case studies presented by the participants;
  • Work groups and round discussions;
  • Meetings with the representatives from the industry, regional governments and international energy and innovation experts (for other Research and Innovation projects)

Areas of research include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conceptual/Practical Approaches and Methodologies towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Globalization, Internationalization and Solutions for Low-Carbon Economies of Scope or Scale
  • Innovations and Technology Transfer Pilot Results Advancing Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
  • Information Technologies (IT) and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for Entrepreneurship Sustainability, and Socio-Economic Innovations
  • Environmental Engineering for Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Applications/Ventures
  • Smart Electricity Grid Solutions for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Implementation of Renewable Energies (e.g. Harvesting, Storage, New Technologies Being Deployed/Developed, Innovative Market or Business Model Paradigms, etc.)
  • Entrepreneurship, Security and Safety
  • Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurship, Safety
  • Threats to Society, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
  • Security and Safety of Countries, Regions and Society as Precondition of Sustainable Development and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Boarder Guard Issues. Regional Development  and Entrepreneurship
  • Migration and Sustainable Regional Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Terrorism, International Crime, Regional Development and Sustainability
  • Security and Safety Models for Sustainable Development of Societies and Businesses
  • Emerging Business Drivers, Opportunities, or Constraints in Future Sectors of Current Markets
  • Retrofitting Techniques and Technologies Near-Zero Energy Demand Buildings
  • Urban Planning and Advanced Construction Materials for Energy-Efficiency or Smart Cities
  • Modern Economics in the Context of Security, Comfort, or Legislation
  • PPPs for Developments in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Investments
  • Accounting and Entrepreneurship Issues
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Context of Management or Life-Long Learning
  • Strategic Management Practices and Creative Marketing Techniques for Sustainability
  • Organizational Studies and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship in the Context of Marketing, ICT, and Creative Industries
  • Intercultural Communication for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Institutions and Entrepreneurship
  • Case Studies on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
  • Social Cohesion and Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
  • Business Models and Strategic Management for Sustainable, Secure and Safe Futures
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
  • Entrepreneurship in the Context of Psychology, Education, or Women
  • Intuitions about Emerging Phenomena in Business and Society
  • Start-Ups, Spin-Offs, SMEs in the Context of Market Growth And Exit
  • Global Value Chain Management for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge Management for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Safety and Security

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