2019 AIEA Annual Conference

20 января23 января 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 28.12.2018

Организаторы: Association of International Education Administrators

Контактный телефон: +1 (919)893-4980

emal: [email protected]

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Higher education continues its evolution, but towards what new reality?  Shifting student demographics, changing demands from the labor market, emerging educational technologies, growing national demands for accountability and quality assurance, and declining public funding, are among the global trends that are requiring colleges and universities to respond by transforming longstanding processes, and by questioning long held assumptions.

Higher education leaders called upon to navigate these tempests are increasingly expected to be futurists and strategists, among other roles.  As futurists, higher education leaders must anticipate forces that may drive change over the next one, five, ten, or more years.  As strategists, the same leaders must prepare their institutions to respond and innovate in preparation for likely events.  Either of these roles presumes reasonably steady change; there may be the occasional disruption, such as economic challenges that strain resources, but the previously identified trends will reassert themselves, eventually.

Global megatrends that will affect higher education as an entire sector will necessarily have particular impacts on internationalization of the academy and the senior international officers who lead this. How, for example, will universities align such perennial objectives as broadening access to higher education with our own traditional goals, such as increasing participation in education abroad?  How closely will internationalization plans align with expectations regarding demonstrated ROI on a college degree?  How will rapidly developing new learning technology affect the future of campus internationalization?  Which new players or external agents as yet unknown will become our institutional partners in leading change?  These are just a few of the questions that may challenge senior international officers in the possible, probable yet mostly unpredictable future.

AIEA invites submissions for sessions that consider international higher education leaders as both futurists and strategists.  We seek proposals that anticipate trends that may directly and indirectly affect international higher education in the nearer and longer term.  We particularly invite sessions that examine how senior international officers can lead innovation in a time of change.


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