SAHVA 2019: 1st International Workshop on Software Architectures and Human Values

9 сентября10 сентября 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 31.05.2019

Организаторы: University of Lille, France

emal: [email protected]

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Building sustainable software systems requires an in-depth understanding about the role that software systems play in our society at a scale and along timeframes that are often difficult to grasp and envisage. We argue that a values ‘first’ software engineering (SE) perspective can offer new insights not only about the human and social aspects that shape SE decision-making processes, but also the potential uses, misuses, and vulnerabilities of complex socio- technical systems afforded by high-level design decisions. While the area of values-based SE has explored means for identifying and making sense of values in the analysis of software production, more effort is required to investigate how values are ultimately instantiated in the architectural structuring of software systems, and the long-term implications of such design decisions.

In this workshop, we aim to understand the impact of values in software architectures, discuss the relationship of values to high-level decisions, identify potential tensions that require methods for value negotiation, and offer practical advice for value management within software processes. We also look for contributions that demonstrate how software architectures have been designed to meet a specific set of values or where values tensions may have led to systems failures or to mechanisms that have addressed or mitigated such tensions.

List of Topics

  • Requirements engineering
    – Methods for requirements elicitation, representation, and validation
    – User centered approaches
    – Participatory design
    – Scenarios
    – Design rationale
    – Problems in requirements
  • Software processes 
    – Methods for analysis, design, development, and evaluation of values in software architectures
    – New models for collaboration and participation
    – Impact of human values in new software, systems, and services models
    – Challenges and directions for continuous improvement of software, systems, and services driven by human values
    – Impact of human values to project management
    – Software evolution and maintenance
    – Challenges and directions for value-based software architectures
  • Societal aspects of software engineering 
    – Human and social aspects shaping SE decision-making processes
    – Studies on the long-term implications of architectural design decisions to individual, social, technical, economical, and/or environmental sustainability dimensions
    – Studies on ethics, privacy, and informed consent
    – Potential uses, misuses, and vulnerabilities of complex social-technical systems afforded by high-level design decisions

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