Behavioural Biometric Approaches in User Authentication: A Global Perspective

31 мая 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 31.05.2021

Индексирование сборника: Ei Compendex

Организаторы: River Publishers & IEEE Xplore

Контактное лицо: Sathya Krishnamoorthi

emal: [email protected]

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This book will prospect the capabilities of harnessing behaviour biometrics in user authentication systems. It will explore the categories of behaviour biometrics, metrics to measure their accuracy, use of deep learning methodologies in discriminating fraudulent activities from genuine one. For particular call, we are seeking articles that focus on the authentication mechanisms using behavioural biometrics, intersection of AI and user behaviour and state-of-the art techniques in generating behaviour biometric data.

Topics (Not Limited to):Introduction: Biometrics and Authentication
Behavioural biometrics – Types and Features
Comparative study of Physiological and Behavioural Biometrics
Metrics – Measure of Biometric Authentication
Feature extraction in Gait, Voice and Speech Biometrics
Feature extraction in Digital Signature Biometrics
Feature extraction in keystroke or Typing Biometrics
Feature extraction in Gesture Biometrics and Mouse Dynamics
Feature extraction in software-based and indirect interactions
Feature extraction in Brain-prints biometrics
Learning User behaviour with Machine Learning
Anomaly detection with Knowledge-Driven Neural Networks
Multimodal Behavioural Biometrics
Privacy and Ethical issues in Behavioural Biometrics
Applications of Behavioural Biometric Authentication with special reference Banking Transactions
Deep Learning Techniques in Behavioural Biometric Authentication

All accepted book chapters will be published in “Behavioural Biometric Approaches in User Authentication: A Global Perspective” by River Publishers & IEEE Xplore


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