Challenges and Advances in Team Tutoring Workshop during the Artificial Intelligence in Education 2021 Conference

14 июня15 июня 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 30.04.2021

Индексирование сборника: Springer

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Team tutoring
Lessons learned from developing intelligent tutoring systems for teams
Team tutoring in a distributed environment
Team assessment strategies and approaches in an intelligent tutoring system
Collaborative problem solving and learning
Theoretical models proposing innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring
Discussion of steps forward in establishing team intelligent tutoring systems
Challenges and solutions for intelligent tutoring systems for teams including areas noted early in the description of this Call for Papers (e.g., Natural Language Processing, Data Strategies, Data Visualization, etc.)

Proceedings papers accepted for the “Approaches and Challenges in Team Tutoring” Workshop are planned to be published online at

This VIRTUAL workshop is part of the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2021 conference and will be held VIRTUALLY.


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