IESL Young Members Section Technical Conference 2021

29 октября30 октября 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 30.04.2021

Организаторы: The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)

emal: [email protected]

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Topics with industry professionals and academia.

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Specially, you can submit your paper either to the IESL main sessions or to the YMS conference, and not to both. Since the conference encourages young members, authors (except supervisor) should be young members(below 35 years old). Papers from the following categories are welcome:Aeronautical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Marine Engineering
Material Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Authors are invited to submit their paper in three steps. The review process is carried out using the double-blinded method. Therefore, when submitting the abstracts, please do not enter the author names and affiliations.

Step 1:
Abstract of the paper should be submitted on or before 30th April 2021. All Submissions have to be done through the EasyChair portal. Notification of acceptance of the abstracts will be sent on or before 31st May 2021.
Step 2:
The full paper of the accepted abstracts should be submitted on or before 15th July 2021.

Once the full paper is ready for submission, you need to UPDATE your submission in EasyChair for the same submission done for your Abstract. Thus, you could carry the same submission number for the Abstract and the Full Paper.

Please upload the full paper prepared in MSWord format through “EasyChair”. Since MSWord document may distort your figures and tables with different versions, it is advisable to send a PDF version of the full paper to [email protected] as well. Please include the submission number in all correspondence.
Since the full paper will be double-blind reviewed (i.e., the details of the authors are not provided to reviewers, and reviewers’ details will not be known to the authors), please DO NOT include the Authors’ names and their affiliations in the full paper.
For further details, please read the instructions carefully which was given in the acceptance email and follow the instructions properly.
Notification of the full paper’s acceptance will be sent on or before the 22nd of August 2021.

Step 3:
All accepted papers are to be presented at the “Technical conference of YMS – IESL” which will be held in October 2021.
Note: Since the conference encourages young members, at least one author (except supervisor) must be a young member (below 35 years old). Further, the accepted paper should be presented at the conference only by a young member.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.


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