10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021)

31 августа3 сентября 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.05.2021

Индексирование сборника: Ei Compendex

Организаторы: University of Bonn, online event

emal: [email protected]

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Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Mobile robot design: Wheeled and Legged Systems, Aerial Robots, Unconventional Locomotion Mechanisms, Reconfigurable Robots, Soft Robots, Biomimetic Robotics, Actuators, Sensors, Design Methods
  • Perception: Environment Perception, Mapping, Localization, SLAM, Scene Understanding, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection/Tracking/Pose Estimation, 3D Modeling, Predictive Modeling, Active and Interactive Perception, Proprioception, State Estimation, Calibration
  • Planning and Control: Exploration, Navigation Planning, Locomotion Planning, Planning under Uncertainty, Model-based Control, Obstacle Avoidance, Robust Control, Safe Control
  • Learning: Learning for Perception, Learning for Planning, Reinforcement Learning, Inverse RL, Deep Learning, Imitation Learning, Learning from Demonstration, Sim2Real and Real2Sim Learning, Learning-based Control, System Identification, Adaptive Control
  • Distributed Systems: Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Swarms, Coordination, Task and Resource Allocation
  • Mobile Manipulation: Mobile Manipulation Platforms, Perception for Mobile Manipulation, Loco-Manipulation, Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control, Multi-Contact Planning and Control, Aerial, Underwater, and Space Manipulation
  • Human-robot Interaction: User Interfaces, Shared Autonomy, Human-Robot Dialogue, Human-Robot Teaming, Human-Robot Collaboration, Physical HRI, Safe Interaction
  • Applications: Service Robots (e.g. Logistics, Health Care, Industrial, Inspection, Monitoring, Professional Services, Personal Robots, Social Robots), Field Robots (e.g. Agricultural and Mining, Construction, Aerial, Underwater, Space)

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