6th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies

4 сентября6 сентября 2023

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.12.2022

Организаторы: Mugla Sitki Kocman University Ataturk Cultural Center

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Forecasting, Operations and Planning of Energy Systems
Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation
Transmission and Distribution Systems and Technologies
Microgrids, Virtual Power Plants, and Aggregators
Smart Grid Technologies and Infrastructures
Power Systems Dynamics and Stability
Control Centers Technologies
Energy Markets, Economics and Policies
Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Savings
Power Electronics and Energy Conversion
Home Automation and Smart Buildings Technologies
Monitoring and Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Information and Communication Technologies
Power Systems Protection, Security and Reliability
Optimization and Computational Intelligence
Uncertainty and Risk Management Methods
Data Analytics and Industrial Informatics
Industrial Cyber Physical Energy Systems
Energy Storage Systems and Technologies
Flexible Demand and Demand Response
Electric Vehicles and Transportation Electrification
Integrated and Multi-Energy Systems
Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Business Models for Smart Grids
Industrial Applications of Smart Energy Systems

The conference will be held in Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey.
More Information Available At: http://www.sest2023.org/


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