13th System Analysis and Modelling Conference
11 октября–12 октября 2021
Форма участия: Дистанционная
Срок подачи заявок: 16.07.2021
Индексирование сборника: Ei Compendex
Topics such as preliminary and initial research results for which a complete evaluation has not yet been performed.
We encourage also the submission of (long or short) papers that describe negative results and replication studies. This type of papers advance our knowledge by allowing us to continuously (re)evaluate our understanding of the current approaches.
Each paper submitted to the technical track will be evaluated by at least three reviewers, based on significance, originality, substance, correctness, and clarity.
Best Paper Awards will be given to authors of long and short papers, which will be selected by the program committee and SAM Co-chairs among the accepted and presented papers.
Submission InstructionsAll submission must be in PDF and made via Easychair.
All submissions must conform to SAM 2021 formatting instructions and must not exceed 10 pages for long technical papers and 6 pages for short technical paper. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages
Submissions must adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions, which can be found at: IEEE – Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
The submissions must comply with the IEEE Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification. In particular, they must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review elsewhere while under review for SAM. The submission must also comply with the IEEE Computer Society Policy on Authorship, part of the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ.
Accepted papers must be presented at SAM 2021 by one of the authors.
Important Dates
Abstract (optional):
July 16, 2021
Paper submission deadline:
July 23, 2021
Notification of acceptance:
August 20, 2021
Camera-ready version deadline:
August 27, 2021
SAM Conference:
October 11-12, 2021
About the SDL Forum Society
The SDL Forum Society that runs the conference is a non-profit organization established by language users and tool providers to promote the Specification and Description Language (SDL‑2010), Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and related System Design Languages (including but not limited to ASN.1, TTCN‑3, SysML and URN), to provide and disseminate information on the development and use of the languages, to support education on the languages and to plan and organize the SAM conference series and events to promote the languages.