5 декабря–7 декабря 2022
Форма участия: Очная
Срок подачи заявок: 15.05.2022
Индексирование сборника: Scopus
Topics related to this theme as of interest to the presenters and participants.
Conference themes (included, but not limited to):
Global Manufacturing Challenges
Sustainable Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing
Flexible Manufacturing
Agile Manufacturing
Inventory Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Production Process
Supply Chain Management
Asset/ Infrastructural Management
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Operations Management (OM)
OM Applications in Health Care Industry
Virtual Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing
Advances in Materials and Manufacturing
Composite Structure Materials
Sustainable Infrastructure
3D Printing and its Applications
Digital Manufacturing in Global Era
Digital Transformation Technologies
Big Data Analytics
Manufacturing and Knowledge Management
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
E-commerce in Manufacturing
Cloud Manufacturing
Cyber Security
Industry 4.0
Mechatronics and Automation
Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing
New Product Development
New Paradigms in Technology Management
Manufacturing Organization Structure
Training and Education on Advanced
Manufacturing Systems
Educational Aspects of Manufacturing and
Online teaching and assessment in engineering
Women in Engineering
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
While we are still processing the submissions, please use the general template manuscript. The length of the manuscript should be around 8 to 10 pages with single column and single line spacing with Times New Roman Font as indicate in the template. After receiving the full manuscripts and completing the review process we will be able to advise the actual journal where we will recommend your papers for further publishing. At that time, we will also send the relevant template for you to prepare the final form of your manuscript.
About Conference
Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management is a non-profit organisation governed by a board with one or two academic and industrial members from each participating country. The current membership spans over twenty countries from around the world. Apart from providing a forum for leading researchers and industry partners to come together and exchange knowledge and views on global changes in manufacturing and management, GCMM conducts conferences once every two years.
Considering the events of the past decade, the conference was previously held in UK (2020), Australia (2018), China (2016), India (2014), New Zealand (2012), and Thailand (2010), with delegates from over 25 countries overall. Exactly a decade later, the 16th GCMM comes to Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, again in December 2022. GCMM 2022 continues to serve as a global forum for knowledge exchange between researchers and industry leaders in areas such as materials, manufacturing and management.
Professor Sarat Singamneni, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
The conference will be held at the Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.