20th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Congress
Организаторы: SMX Convention Center
emal: apcche2023@gmail.com
The Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) holds a bi-annual congress for the Asian Pacific community of chemical engineers, industrial chemists, and related professions to come together to discuss the latest developments in their respective fields, celebrate outstanding achievements, and share lessons learned. The APCChE Congress is an opportunity for presentations to be made by academia, industry, and regulators, and is the venue for meaningful exchange of ideas amongst those working in the field of chemical and process engineering.
Submission Guidelines
Interested authors are invited to submit abstracts for the 20th APCChE Congress. The submission of abstracts will be managed through an online conference paper management system called EasyChair.
Use the link below to submit your abstract:
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2023
All abstract submissions must be in English and should include the following information:Title of paper
Authors, affiliations, and contact details (e-mail address, postal address, and tel/fax number)
A body of 150-300 words and 3-5 keywords.
Type of presentation preferred (oral or poster)
The text should be in Times New Roman (Size 12)