21st Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics
Организаторы: Seagull Hotel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
emal: akhzam@gmail.com; aocmp2021@gmail.com; jobairul55@gmail.com
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS), it is a great privilege and honor to extend our invitation in the 21st Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) in 2021, the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s independence.
BMPS has the opportunity to organize three international congresses called “International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Imaging (ICMPROI) in the year of 2011, 2014 and 2018 in Dhaka. We are immensely intended to organize AOCMP 2021 in Cox’ Bazar, the world’s longest sandy sea beach city. For the conference and sightseeing, the venue and accommodation are above the standard. We do believe that all would enjoy the great time at the Congress in Cox’s Bazar.
We sincerely look forward to welcoming the AFOMP committees, all delegates and accompanying persons to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Thank you.
Main Topics
- Radiation Dosimetry
- Radiation Oncology Physics
- Brachytherapy
- Nuclear Medicine
- Radiobiology and Radiation Protection
- Radiology & Imaging
- Radiotherapy
- Education & Training
- Radiopharmaceuticals
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in RT
- Biomedical Engineering
Dr. M. Akhtaruzzazman,
Organizing Secretary,
Email: akhzam@gmail.com, aocmp2021@gmail.com
Cell: +8801730590504 (WhatsApp);
Md. Jobairul Islam
Organizing Joint Secretary
Email: jobairul55@gmail.com,
Cell: +8801672737453 (WhatsApp)