4th International Workshop of Self-Organised Construction

27 сентября1 октября 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 20.06.2021

Организаторы: IEEE

Контактное лицо: Mary Katherine Heinrich, Université libre de Bruxelles

emal: [email protected]

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The SOCO workshop is on self-organised construction. We want to cumulate, present, discuss, and advance new research results from theory and practice, as well as novel scientific concepts and methodologies. Originally inspired by nest construction in social insects, the general concept relies on a large number of agents that coordinate their construction efforts by prompting and reacting to local stimuli. Recently, with the wake of robotic swarms and novel material processing approaches—for instance 3D printing techniques and innovative deployment of carbon fibres—self-organising construction is quickly gaining tremendous transformative significance in the context of various design and construction processes. The relevant research areas include: autonomous construction, maintenance, supervision, and renovation of buildings and infrastructure, as well as biological nest construction, fundamental models and robotic control methods, structural engineering, architectural design, industrial assembly, landscape architecture, and city infrastructure. Our focus is on the design and management of self-organising construction from a computational perspective. We especially would like to encourage vision papers, presenting challenges for the future of self-organised construction. To expand the scope, compared to the previous editions of the workshop, we encourage participation from industry and will include two invited industry talks.

Topics of interest.
• Vision Papers, which introduce ground-shaking, provocative, and even controversial ideas; discuss long term perspectives and challenges; focus on overlooked or underrepresented areas, and foster debate.

Papers in all three directions are limited to 6 pages, including images, tables, and references.
We ask authors to ensure that their submissions comply with the high standards in ingenuity and quality as expected by the ACSOS conference in general. Submission to SOCO will be evaluated in a single-blind reviewing process by the workshop committee members. Accepted papers will be submitted for publication to ACSOS’ workshop proceedings through IEEE. All papers need to follow the IEEE DL format of the ACSOS conference and follow the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide. We will do a high-quality international peer review in a rapid 2 week form. Each paper will have at least 3 reviews.


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