4th Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Intelligent Assisted Living

21 августа26 августа 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 09.05.2021

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In this workshop, we invite previously unpublished and novel submissions in the following areas, but not limited to:
Methods and protocols for data collection, data annotation, and data labeling with older adult populations.
Development and deployment of long-term sensor-based monitoring systems.
Techniques for telerehabilitation, telemedicine, and remote monitoring.
Video Analysis to explore patient engagement, therapy compliance, exercise monitoring, body pose estimations, successful delivery of rehab.
Addressing privacy concerns of patient data, such as by using privacy-protecting sensing modalities, federated learning, and differential privacy.
Techniques for continuous streaming, monitoring, and analysis of health, activity, contextual, and online data for older adults.
Techniques for handling data biases, and other biases related to sex, gender, ethnicity, and age.
Developing interpretable, explainable, and ethical AI models for aging population.
Methodologies for big data, large-scale data mining, including cloud computing.
Data analytics and visualization techniques for healthcare data.
ML techniques to identify harmful, life-threatening, abnormal behaviors and coping with rare events in health care.
ML methods for measuring health indicators, progression of physical and cognitive health, e.g. frailty, dementia, mental health, gait stability.
Data mining challenges such as handling missing information, dealing with mixed, imbalanced, poorly labeled, and noisy data.
ML approaches for data fusion from multi-modal sensor interaction and ensemble algorithm development.
Multi-agent models to capture the interaction between patients, caregivers, and family to provide assistance.
Probabilistic and Case-based reasoning to provide assistance.
Using Deep Learning solutions for supporting assistive technology devices and facilitating transfer learning.
Developing smart agents to understand the sentiments of the client for providing focussed care.
Developing smart-home solutions and interventions for connecting and engaging older adults with the environment.
Models that use Smart Technology, Speech recognition, and dialog-based interaction with older adults to handle social isolation.

Important Dates
Paper submissions: May 09, 2021 (anywhere in the world)
Paper notifications: May 25, 2021
Camera-ready deadline for the final version of accepted papers: To be announced later
Paper Registration Date: To be announced later
Workshop date: August to be announced later

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. We request you to submit Full papers – 5 pages (including 1 page for references). The review process will be double-blind; therefore, authors must not write their names, contact details, or affiliations in their papers at the time of submission.

ARIAL@IJCAI21 will be held virtually in Montreal, Canada


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