5th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures

20 июня22 июня 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 14.12.2018

Организаторы: Erciyes University

emal: [email protected]

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The Symposium will be open to disciplines such as Language, Literature, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Theology, History, History of Arts and Multidisciplinary Studies. Abstracts are welcome in the following topic strands or other related topics:

  • –      Intersection and intersectionality from a theoretical perspective
  • –      Ethnic and anthropological intersections
  • –      Propaganda in terms of intersections
  • –      Intersections in religion
  • –      Cultural identity
  • –      The mobile dynamic of intersection: Immigration
  • –      Intersection in visual texts
  • –      Social construction of culture and gender
  • –      Transculturalism
  • –      Cultural identities as indicators of intersection
Literature –      Intersections between Classical and Contemporary literature–      Interaction between Immigrant and local literature

–      Memory, space, belonging

–      Diaspora Literatures

–      The reflection of intersection between eras on literary texts

–      Multicultural poetry and prose

–      The intersection of literature and other forms of art

–      Literature beyond cultures

–      The historical spots of intersection: Texts on travel, diplomacy, and trade

–      Intersections and theories of literary translation

Language –      Universal and local language policies in terms of intersections–      Social gender and intersectionality

–      The temporal evolution of language

–      The new media language

–      Language as a concept of power and domination

–      Language, identity, and culture

–      The evolution of language

–      The lexicology of intersection

–      The effect of multiculturalism on stylistics

–      The effect of mass migration on languages

Education –      The effect of intersections on educational policies–      Multicultural education

–      The effect of immigration on educational policies

–      The world that transforms via immigration and education

–      Interdisciplinary approaches to language teaching and translation

–      Educational theories beyond cultures


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