81-я ежегодная конференция и выставка EAGE «Лондон 2019»

3 июня6 июня 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.01.2019

Организаторы: EAGE

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emal: [email protected]

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81-я конференция и выставка EAGE явится крупнейшим в мире событием геоучёных и инженеров с широким охватом тематик. Ожидаемое количество участников — более 7 000 человек. Программа мероприятия будет состоять из большой научной конференции и выставки площадью 17 000 кв.м. с новейшими разработками в области геофизики, геологии и инженерных наук.

The topics for the 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2019

 1. Geophysics
 1-1    Non-Seismic Acquisition and Processing  1-1.1    EM Methods
 1-1.2    Non-Conventional Geophysical Methods
 1-1.3    Potential Field Methods
 1-1.4    Remote Sensing
 1-2    Seismic Acquisition  1-2.1    Environmental Friendly Acquisition
 1-2.2    Geometries and Hardware
 1-3    Seismic Acquisition and Processing  1-3.1    Borehole Seismic Methods
 1-3.2    Micro and Passive Seismic
 1-3.3    Multi Component Seismic
 1-3.4    Permanent Reservoir Monitoring
 1-3.5    Simultaneous Source
 1-3.6    Time Lapse Data
 1-4    Seismic Interpretation  1-4.1    Anisotropy and Fractured Reservoirs
 1-4.2    Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization
 1-4.3    Geomechanics
 1-4.4    Quantitative Interpretation and AVO
 1-4.5    Quantitative Interpretation Case Studies
 1-4.6    Rock Physics
 1-4.7    Seismic Attributes
 1-5    Seismic Processing and Imaging  1-5.1    Attenuation
 1-5.2    Diffraction Modelling and Imaging
 1-5.3    Full Waveform Inversion
 1-5.4    FWI and Velocity Model Case Studies
 1-5.5    Imaging Case Studies
 1-5.6    Imaging Theory
 1-5.7    Interferometry
 1-5.8    Interpolation and Regularization
 1-5.9    Multiple Attenuation and Imaging
 1-5.10  Noise Attenuation
 1-5.11  Signal Processing
 1-5.12  Velocity Model Estimation
 1-5.13  Wavefield Modelling
 1-5.14  Wide and Multi Azimuth Methods
 2. Geology
 2-1    Carbonates and Evaporites  2-1.1    Lacustrine Systems
 2-1.2    Rock Typing
 2-1.3    Stratigraphy and Diagenesis
 2-2    Clastics Reservoirs  2-2.1    Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality
 2-3    Depsitional Systems  2-3.1    Deep Water Sedimentary Systems
 2-3.2    Fluvial, Lacustrine and Aeolian Systems
 2-3.3    Shale Geology
 2-3.4    Stratigraphic Interpretation
 2-4    Outcrop Analogues  2-4.1    Outcrop Analogue Studies
 2-5    Petroleum Systems  2-5.1    Fault Seal Analysis and Compartmentalization
 2-5.2    Geochemistry and Geochronology
 2-5.3    Source Rocks
 2-6    Petrophysics  2-6.1    Conventional Core Analysis
 2-6.2    Coring, Core Description and Interpetation
 2-6.3    Digital Rock Physics
 2-6.4    Special Core Analysis (kr, Pc, Wettability)
 2-6.5    Wireline Logging and LWD
 2-7    Regional Structural Geology  2-7.1    Foot-Hills and Foreland Basins
 2-7.2    Passive Margins
 2-7.3    Plate Tectonics and Paleogeography
 2-7.4    Rift Systems
 2-7.5    Salt Tectonics
 2-7.6    Strike Slip Basins
 2-8    Static Geomodels  2-8.1    Geostatistical Methods
 2-8.2    Integrated Basin/Reservoir Geology
 2-8.3    Static Geomodels
 3. Reservoir
 3-1    Flow Simulation  3-1.1    History Matching and Data Assimilation
 3-1.2    Next Generation of Reservoir Simulators
 3-1.3    Reservoir Simulation
 3-1.4    Simulator Coupling
 3-2    Production and Management  3-2.1    Activation (Artificial Lift) and Flow Assurance
 3-2.2    Enhanced or Improved Oil Recovery
 3-2.3    Recovery Optimization
 3-2.4    Reserves Estimation and Classification
 3-2.5    Reservoir Monitoring and Management
 3-2.6    Smarter Operations Technology
 3-2.7    Stimulation – Hydraulic Fracturing & Near Well Treatments
 3-2.8    Well Performance
 3-3    Reservoir Characterization and Modelling  3-3.1    Change of Scales Management (Up or Downscaling)
 3-3.2    Estimating Permeability
 3-3.3    Fluid Characterization and Modelling
 3-3.4    Model Initialization & Transition Zones
 3-3.5    Pressure and Temperature Transients (Well and Interference Tests)
 3-3.6    Production Logging
 3-3.7    Reservoir Characterization Case Studies
 3-3.8    Well Placement Optimization
 3-4    Well Construction and Work-Overs  3-4.1    Well Construction and Work-Overs
 4. Integration
 4-1    CO2  4-1.1    CSS and Utilization
 4-2    Complex Subsurface  4-2.1    Sub-Salt and Sub-Basalt Exploration and Development
 4-2.2    Tight Formation Challenges
 4-3    Exploration  4-3.1    Case Studies
 4-3.2    Play and Prospect Evaluation
 4-4    Fields in Development  4-4.1    Integrated Models – Upscaling and Operations
 4-5    Fields in Production  4-5.1    Case Studies
 4-5.2    Time-Lapse Seismic – Interpretation, Reservoir Characterization and Updating
 4-6    Gas Storage  4-6.1    Natural Gas Storage
 4-7    Geothermal  4-7.1    Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Modelling in Tight Formations
 4-8    Integrated Subsurface Studies  4-8.1    Carbonates
 4-8.2    Geomechanics
 4-8.3    Geo-Pressure Prediction
 4-8.4    Naturally Fractured Reservoir
 4-8.5    Seismic Reservoir Characterization
 4-8.6    Shared Earth Modelling
 4-9    Risk and Uncertainty  4-9.1    Risk and Uncertainty
 4-10  Unconventional  4-10.1  Extra Heavy Oil
 4-10.2  Gas Shale
 4-10.3  Hydrates
 4-10.4  Oil Shale
 4-10.5  Shale Oil
 5. Near Surface
 5-1  Mining  5-1.1    Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining
 5-2  Near Surface Sustainability  5-2.1    Renewable Energy- and Waste-Storage
 5-3.1    Emerging Near-Surface Technologies and Methodologies (DAS, Airborne, Uavs, Time-Lapse, Wireless, Digital Sensors, Machine-Learning, Joint Inversion Etc.)
 5-4    Near Surface Understanding  5-4.1    Electrical and EM Methods, Including GPR, for Near-Surface Investigation
 5-4.2    High-Resolution Seismics and Surface Waves
 5-4.3    Near-Surface Challenges for Deep-Targeting (Incl. Statics, Heterogeneity, Attenuation, Overburden Correction),
 5-4.4    Shallow Marine Geophysics
 6. General
 6-1    Digitalization  6-1.1    AI, Deep Learning and Data Analytics for G&G
 6-1.2    Data and Information Management
 6-1.3    High Performance Computing
 6-2    HSE  6-2.1    HSSE – Issues, Mitigations and Case Studies
 6-2.2    Reducing Safety Exposure and Environmental Impact of Geophysical Operations
 6-2.3    Sustainable Development
 6-3 Social and Economical Impact  6-3.1    Decommissioning
 6-3.2    Integrating Reservoir Economics With Environmental Responsibilities
 7. Dedicated Session
   7-1       Best of Petroleum Geoscience: Global Resource Developments (in collaberation with the Geological Society of London)
 7-2       Education in the Future
 7-3       Emerging Technologies and Innovative Methods Driving the Next Generation of Exploration Discoveries on the UKCS
 7-4       The Geology of Reservoirs – From Rock Chip to Seismic
 7-5.1    What’s On in Geoscience 2025?- Geoscience Start-ups Case Studies
 7-5.2    What’s On in Geoscience 2015?- Geoscience Innovation Environments
 7-6       Geothermal – Advances, Case Studies and Cross Disciplinary Cooperation
 7-7       Key Innovation and (Potential) Game Changing Developments
 7-8       Near-Surface Geoscience – Introducing a Less Well-Known Global Geoscience Community, Applications and Case Studies
 7-9       Source Rocks, Seals and Reservoirs – A Whole Story and Continuous Lithological and Petrographical Components
 7-10     European Super-Basins (in collaboration with AAPG)
 7-11     Sustainability – Our Business and the Community
 7-12     Geothermal – The Entrepreneur, Business Models and politics (IGA)
 7-13     Recent Exploration Discoveries
 7-14     Salt Tectonics Case Studies

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