Computational Optimizations Techniques and Applications for Engineers and Scientists
Организаторы: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
Контактный телефон: 91-9316326906, 91-9888936408
emal: [email protected]; [email protected].
Chapter 1- Smart and Optimized Computation in Chemical Science and Engineering
Optimized Computational Algorithms for monitoring, data collection and analysis of chemical science including physical, organic and inorganic chemistry and many more.
Chapter 2- Computationally Optimized Strategies for Biomedical Physics and Engineering
Optimized Medical technologies (e.g., sensors, detectors, devices), Bioimaging and medical imaging, Diseases (such as infections and neurological diseases), Bioinformatics (e.g., computer aided diagnosis, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, radiomics, big data) and many more.
Chapter 3- Strategies for Intelligent Computations in Time-Series Forecasting Applications
Smart and optimized applications of ordinary and partial differential equations, stochastic processes, calculus of variations, nonlinear analysis and all other related fields.
Chapter 4-Computational Modelling and Optimized Strategies for Environmental Engineering
Smart Computational Optimizations for Pollution Waste Management and Disposal, Environmental Chemistry and other field of environment engineering
Chapter 5- Optimized Computational Models for Antenna & Signal Processing
Advanced computational optimizations for signal theory, stochastic processes, detection and estimation, spectral analysis, filtering, astrophysical signal processing; earth resources signal processing, acoustic and vibration signal processing, data processing, remote sensing, industrial applications and many more.
Chapter 6- Smart Computational Optimizations for Information Security and Handling Big Data
Optimized computational strategies and models in security algorithms, analysis and management methods, computer and information security, cybercrime, and data analysis in investigation, prediction, threat assessment, applications of computational optimizations in specific types of crimes such as burglary, armed robbery, fraud, shoplifting, workplace violence, organized crime, bomb threats and political violence transport, maritime piracy, crime in public spaces and events and many more.
Chapter 7- Optimized and Computationally Efficient Applications in Mechatronics and Robotics
Fundamental and futuristic optimized computational learning for robotic-assisted manufacturing, advanced mechanisms and robotics, systems modelling and analysis, instrumentation and device control, automation systems, intelligent sensing and control, medical robotics, bio inspired robots, autonomous and complex systems, micro/nano manipulators and systems and also for other related fields.
Chapter 8- Energy Efficient & Optimized Computations in Smart Wireless Sensor Networks
Intelligent and Computational optimizations for Radio frequency identification, Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Technology, Evolutionary computing and intelligent systems, Communication architectures for pervasive computing and also for other related fields
Chapter 9- Artificial Intelligent & Optimized Models in Computational Physics
Computational Models, simulations algorithms for modelling, fabrication and characterization of materials, nuclear engineering, high energy physics and other related physical phenomena
Chapter 10- Emerging Computational Intelligence in High Performance Computing
Computational optimizations and intelligence for the interaction of architecture with algorithms, performance modelling, parallel programming models and languages, parallel tools and their application to large-scale simulation, scaling analyses, and scientific software engineering and many more.
Chapter 11- Optimal Computational Models for Healthcare and Decision Support Systems
Optimized techniques and approaches, such as neural networks, traditional knowledge-based methods, fuzzy techniques, genetic algorithms, agent-based techniques, case based reasoning for health care and decision support systems and many more.
Chapter 12- Optimized Computational Strategies Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
Optimized computations for Nanophysics, Nanoelectronics, Nanoionics, Nano-optics and Photonics, Nanomagnetism, Nanofabrication, Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanomaterials and many more.
Chapter 13- Optimized Computation and Simulation Algorithms for Energy Efficiency
Computational optimizations for evaluation and modelling of energy efficiency policies, energy efficiency to climate change mitigation, benefits of energy efficiency in health benefits and productivity and energy efficiency in transport, buildings and communities and many more.
Chapter 14- Simulations of Advanced Computational Models for Image Processing
Intelligent computational models of vision and imaging science, smart mathematical optimizations in reconstruction, coding, filter theory, probabilistic, statistical, geometric, topological, and fractal techniques in image processing, the application of optimized computational intelligence for image formation and analysis of medical, biological, industrial, geophysical, astronomical and military also.
Chapter 15-Optimized and Computationally Intelligent Applications of Pharmacological Systems
Applications of computational intelligence and optimizations to analyse the actions and effects of drugs and other chemical agents with physiological, biochemical, microbiological, immunological, or behavioural factors influencing disease also included the other related fields.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission- May 15, 2021
Full Chapter Submission- June 30, 2021
Acceptance Notification- July 25, 2021
Camera Ready – August 20, 2021
Tentative Publication Year- 2nd half of 2022
COTAES-2021 Book will be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process