Conference on Networked Systems
13 сентября–16 сентября 2021
Форма участия: Дистанционная
Срок подачи заявок: 28.05.2021
Организаторы: co-organized with ITG Zukunft der Netze 2021 and the “Frühjahrstreffen Betriebsysteme” of the Experts Group “Operating Systems” of the Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Topics: Network architectures and protocols
Transport- and application-layer protocols
Software-defined networking, network function virtualization, and further network softwarization
Mobile, ad-hoc, opportunistic, vehicular, and sensor networks
Novel concepts for tactile and low-latency communication
Pertinent middleware architectures, platforms, and programming support for networked systems
Internet of Things (IoT)
Cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, fog and edge computing
Network security and privacy
Information-centric networking, content distribution and retrieval, and their co-existence with classical networks
SoA, web services, and mobile services
Consistency, reliability, availability in networking and distributed systems
Advancements in social networks, social computing, data-intensive computing (big data)
Methods for design, implementation and analysis of networked systems
Cyber-physical networked systems
Green and energy-efficient networks / networked systems
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as well as their application in, and impacts on, networking
Distributed ledger systems and applications
Emerging and future networked applications and distributed systems
Submission Guidelines
Submission guidelines for extended abstracts
All abstract submissions must be original, unpublished, and not considered elsewhere for publication. Extended abstracts are limited to 4 pages including references, figures and tables (at least 10pt font, one-column format).
The abstracts will undergo a thorough process of peer reviews by at least three members of the technical program committee.
Submission implies that at least one author will register and attend the conference to present the extended abstract via a talk or potentially via a poster.
Accepted and presented extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. The authors of the best extended abstracts will be invited to submit a long version of their research to a journal special issue.
Submission guidelines for hot topic papers
We expect submissions of papers already published or accepted at top-tier venues. Please submit the full paper or at least the front page (at least including title, authors, abstract, and publication venue) of the published paper as well as its complete reference.
Accepted hot topic papers have to be presented at the conference. The presentations will be 15-20 minutes per talk (at the discretion of the NetSys organizers).
Mathias Fischer <[email protected]>
Winfried Lamersdorf <[email protected]>