IJCAI-PRICAI 2020: 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

11 июля17 июля 2020

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.01.2020

Организаторы: Simmons University; CNRS, University of Montpellier; Nagoya Institute of Technology; Sapporo City University; Vienna University of Technology; Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg

Контактное лицо: Takayuki Ito, Local Arrangements Chair

emal: [email protected]

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The 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI 2020) will be held in Yokohama, Japan, from July 11th to July 17th, 2020. For more than a half-century, IJCAI has remained the premier conference bringing together the international AI community to communicate the advances and achievements of artificial intelligence research. PRICAI was initiated in 1990 to create an artificial intelligence conference that would promote collaborative AI research in the Pacific Rim nations. This is the first time that IJCAI and PRICAI have been held jointly. With the current exploding interest in AI and its applications, the joint IJCAI-PRICAI conference will provide an exciting forum to present and hear about cutting-edge research in AI.

We invite the submission of technical papers for the main technical track of the conference. Submissions should be significant, original, and previously unpublished results on all aspects of artificial intelligence. We especially encourage papers on AI techniques for novel application domains.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Analyzing complex couplings, dependencies, interactions, relations and networking in finance
  • Analyzing regional and global financial activities, behaviors, events and their impact and risk
  • Jointly modelling natural, online, social, economic, cultural and political factors in finance
  • Analyzing and learning multisource, multimodal and heterogeneous financial events and impact
  • Analyzing and modeling high-dimensional, sequential and evolving financial events and impact
  • Constructing benchmarkable financial data, knowledge graph and repositories
  • AI for faster, cheaper and smarter design, simulation and evaluation of new financial mechanisms, models, products and services
  • Real-time intelligent financial analysis and processing for cloud, online and mobile services
  • AI-enabled regtech for digital authentication and identification and intelligent regulation
  • AI for actionable, active, real-time, tailored and automated regulation of new, digital and mobile financial services
  • Intelligent innovations in credit loans, SMEs and individual financing, P2P lending, crowdfunding, roboadvising, digital payment, dynamic credit rating, and asset pricing
  • AI to analyze, predict and intervene new cybersecurity, fraud and risks in banking, insurance and finance
  • Shallow, deep and reinforced analysis, representation and learning of financial businesses, networks, systems and problems
  • Cross-market, product, indicator, platform and network modelling, hologram and risk analysis
  • Analyzing financial crisis, exception, emergence, uncertainty and ill- to un-structured systemic risk
  • Data-driven theories and tools for digital assets and their valuation, risk analysis and management
  • New blockchain theories and tools for cryptocurrency, digital asset pricing, trading, mechanism design, smart contract, open banking and investment
  • Intelligent algorithms, mechanisms, interfaces and systems for digital, mobile, virtual and Internet-based banking, financing, capital markets, regtech, insurtech, and paytech
  • AI for assuring trust, privacy, security, compliance, explainability and ethics in FinTech
  • Better practice and lessons of AI-enabled FinTech into implementation and productization
  • Other important aspects, issues and progress associated with AI in FinTech

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