16 декабря18 декабря 2022

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 01.10.2022

Организаторы: Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences

Контактное лицо: Office of Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Academic Building, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS) Jamshoro

emal: [email protected]

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International Academics & Research Summit, LUMHS – 2022 is being organized at Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, on 16th – 18th December 2022. The theme of the summit is “Integrating Health Care Delivery with Sustainable Development Goals”.
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro is the top-notch premier public sector medical school in Sindh, with a vision to be an esteemed healthcare organization producing ingenious academic & healthcare leaders, medical researchers, and healthcare advocates to serve the global community.
This summit is being organized with the key objective in mind to inculcate importance of sustainable development goals (SDGs) among the health professionals on a platform to explore new avenues of integration of SDGs in to existing health care system and alliance with all the stakeholders in order to develop a broader and stronger framework leading to a state of the art service provision, academic excellence, and research culture enhancement.
The Organizing Committee of International Academics & Research Summit, LUMHS – 2022 invites proposals for scientific symposia, workshops, scholarly talks, free papers and posters, deadline of which is Oct 1st, 2022.

Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are invited for Oral / Poster

Presentations related to following sub-themes:Health & Well Being
Quality Education
Clean Water & Sanitation
Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Climate Action
Role of Partnership in Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals

Abstracts submitted online via http://iars.lumhs.edu.pk/, through Easy Chair will be entertained only.
Abstract submitted in hard copy will not be entertained.
Abstract Submission Deadline : October 1, 2022 (Till 3:00 PM)
Note: Follow the guidelines for Oral/Poster Presentation provided on summit website. The decision of the Abstract Review Committee regarding acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to corresponding author latest by October 30, 2022.


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