7 июня–8 июня 2023
Форма участия: Очная
Срок подачи заявок: 18.09.2022
Индексирование сборника: Springer
Topics in real-time and embedded systems, including, but not limited to:Real-time applications design and evaluation: automotive, avionics, space, railways, telecommunications, process control, multimedia.
Real-time aspects of emerging smart systems: cyber-physical systems and emerging applications, real-time big data, real-time edge/fog and cloud computing, smart grid.
Real-time system design and analysis: real-time tasks modeling, task/message scheduling, evaluation, mixed-criticality systems, Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis, quality of service, security, thermal and power-aware system design.
Software technologies for real-time systems: model-driven engineering, programming languages, compilers, WCET-aware compilation and parallelization strategies, middleware, Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS), virtualization, and hypervisors.
Formal specification and verification: application of formal models, such as model checking, satisfiability modulo theories, or constraint programming, to solve real-time problems.
Real-time distributed systems: fault tolerance, time synchronization, task/messages allocation, adaptability and reconfiguration, publisher/subscriber protocols, distributed real-time database.
Real-time networks: Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), industrial IoT, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, SDN, 5G, Networks on Chip (NoC), end-to-end latency analysis.
Hardware support for real-time systems: hardware/software co-design, power/temperature-aware techniques, design of predictable hardware, multi-core and many-core platforms, hardware accelerators, cache-related issues, interconnect, and memory.
Double submission model
RTNS 2023 adopts a double submission model, with two rounds.
Submissions done at the first round may be:Rejected: no re-submission possible to the second round
Accepted: accepted papers will receive a DOI, the list will be published on the conference WEB site, and the author may put an author version on their own web page. The publication will occur after the conference.
Under major revision: the paper may be re-submitted in the second round and will be evaluated again by the same reviewers.
Submissions done in the second round may be only accepted or rejected.
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit English-language research and application papers representing original, previously unpublished work, not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The papers are limited to 10 two-column pages (not including references) in ACM conference format. The proceedings will be published by well known editor (ongoing discussions). RTNS accepts only full papers. All accepted papers can extend to 11 pages (excluding references) with the extra page only to address reviewers’ comments but not to add new content.
RTNS tends to be a community, not a bunch of individual experts. Then, authors are invited to present the results in a way such that the main ideas can be understood by any real-time researcher and lead to discussions and exchanges.
Authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue of the Springer Real-Time Systems journal. The extended papers must have at least 35% new content. Best papers and best student papers awards will be presented at the conference, along with an award for the best presentation.