Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences Workshop

21 июня23 июня 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 09.04.2021

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Understanding users and audience interests and their relation with content of interactive systems for life quality;
Developing new content forms, formats and interactions for media/video-centric experiences for life quality;
New database developments based on diversity of research results in interactive systems for life quality;
Analyzing and developing underlying models, technologies and systems for Ubiquitous Experiences for life quality;
Creating tools and workflows for interactive systems aiming life quality;
Exploring the use and implications of AI and Machine Learning in interactive systems aiming quality of life;
Developing innovative models and techniques for life quality in social isolation environments;
Understanding wider social and cultural contexts of environments and Earth equilibrium;
Applications in ambient area such as pollutions control, urbanism, traffic and others;
Applications in education, such as teaching and simulations;
Applications in health care, such as diagnosis, procedure training, therapy and rehabilitation;
Applications in any area aiming to improve life quality.

Accepted and presented works will be published at Digital Open Library of the Brazilian Computing Society (in an open access base). Submission of a work in this workshop does not cancel the opportunity of submit a full paper in the IMX main track.


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