“Lost world” in biodiversity studies: focus at the Earth’s blank spaces

23 сентября27 сентября 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.04.2019

Организаторы: Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

Контактный телефон: +7 423 2388041, +7 914 7038565

emal: [email protected]

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“Lost world” in biodiversity studies: focus at the Earth’s blank spaces

The 21st century has seen the beginning of a third hundred-year study of flora and vegetation in Northeast Asia. This region contains one of the world’s best-preserved ecosystems, the value of which for humankind is not yet fully understood. The previous hundred-year study of flora and vegetation led to accumulation of great amount of data that enable new approaches to big data synthesis and open new opportunities in utilization of accumulated knowledge for the human well-being. Nevertheless, Northeast Asia still has many places, biota of which was never covered by detail researches, and from the viewpoint of global phytogeography these areas remained ‘blank spaces’. From another hand, political, cultural and methodological differences have created many disagreements in terms and theories of plant-related disciplines, and this caused the blank spaces in our knowledge. This conference focuses at analysis of reasons why phytogeographical data are still not available in global biodiversity datasets. We will try to understand how to obtain new biodiversity data from such blank spaces, and to what extend new data may transform our current knowledge on biodiversity space and temporal structure and its evolution.

We anticipate that this conference will provide a useful step forward in understanding how more complete global biodiversity databases could help in studies of the formative processes of one of the world’s most significant biomes as well as an improved historical perspective of its influence on vegetation formation on different continents.

The purpose of the conference is not only to exchange knowledge but also to find common points in existing and developing theories and logical and information bases for the future study of Northeast Asian flora and vegetation as well as to discuss how the extension of biodiversity studies may improve the human-ecosystem interactions in the region.

We invite you to take part in the international conference «”Lost world” in biodiversity studies: focus at the Earth’s blank spaces», that will take place 23-27 September 2019 at the Botanical
Garden-Institute FEB RAS (Vladivostok).

The main themes of the Conference

  1. Studies of diversity of the plant world: systematization, documentation, synthesis.
  2. Preservation of diversity of the plant world: a state of the arts and what botanical gardens are able to do?
  3. Understating of diversity of the plant world: environmental-botanical education and awareness.

In addition to papers on these topics, we welcome your proposals for new subjects to be discussed during the Symposium.

The official language will be English


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