NYSCA 78th Annual Conference: New York State Communication Association

16 октября18 октября 2020

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 01.06.2020

Организаторы: The New York State Communication Association (NYSCA)

Контактное лицо: Noura Ahmad Hajjaj

emal: [email protected]

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The New York State Communication Association 78th Annual Conference

October 16-18, 2020

Villa Roma Resort & Conference Center – Callicoon, NY

The communication is the powerful basis of all human contact. The verbal and nonverbal symbols that we utilize might sound and look different, but the purpose we have for communicating is universal .We may choose to interact in face-to-face, or via EMC and CMC, however, we employ the same activity to understand context and conduct, explore relationship between symbolic action and other forms of human behaviors, and address fundamentals of right and wrong, permitted and prohibited, persuasion and propaganda in relation to debates taking place in our interconnected global

The 78th annual conference of the New York Communication Association (NYSCA) invites a wider range of interdisciplinary scholarship that rethink dimensions of conduct and pragmatic interplay beyond media, examine convergence and divergence in both national and international contexts, explore potential outcomes contributing to both micro-and macro-level political changes including the implementation of new legislation, and address the opportunities and the challenges associated with the transformation of public policy and the public sphere, freedom of speech and civil discourse, and research innovation.

For the first time ever, NYSCA is accepting submissions for remarkable, innovative student, faculty, and independent filmmaking for a creative video and film showcase. Additionally, NYSCA is expanding to accept submissions for a graduate poster session for MA and PhD researchers. These valuable new opportunities are being offered in addition to our annual undergraduate poster session. Conference submissions comprised of rigorous and complete work by students, faculty, and student-faculty will be eligible for the top award categories: video and film showcase, undergraduate paper, graduate paper, faculty or independent scholar paper, student-faculty paper, undergraduate poster, and graduate poster.

We welcome completed manuscripts, proposals for paper sessions, research in progress, interactive panel discussions, and student poster sessions, across an array of orientations: theoretical, methodological, conceptual, empirical, pedagogical, rhetorical, critical, historical, ethnographic, and exploratory the latest by  June 1, 2020, at 11:59 pm. Include the following statement of professional responsibility in the title page:

“In submitting the attached individual paper, or proposal of paper session, or poster session, or roundtable panel, or short video, or film, I/we agree to present at the 2020 NYSCA conference. If accepted and programmed, I/we further recognize that all who attend and/or present at NYSCA must register and pay the required fees that include both membership registration and conference participation. I/we officially agree to either make an online payment via Eventbrite- NYSCA’s electronic registration system, or onsite at the conference registration table, and prior to any conference attendance and/or participation.”

Submission Guidelines

All submission categories must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. We welcome the following formats:

  • Completed Manuscripts Submissions: Upload complete individual papers of no more than 30 double-spaced pages with citations in APA style (6th edition). No information identifying the author may appear in the title page to ensure blind review. Submissions should indicate “undergraduate,” or “graduate,” “faculty-authored,” or “independent scholar,” or “co-authored student-faculty.”


  • Thematic Paper Panel Submissions: Upload the title for the session, authors’ information and contact, a rationale of no more than 250 words outlining the theme, and a title and an abstract of no more than 150 words from each author that includes thesis statement, theoretical reasoning, anticipatory methodology, and results.


  • Interactive Roundtable Panel and Poster Sessions Submissions: Upload the thematic title, presenters’ information and contact, and an abstract of no more than 250 words focused on a coherent theme that includes thesis statement, theoretical reasoning, anticipatory methodology, and results. A selection of wandering scholars will lead student poster sessions and provide substantial feedback for all presenters.


  • Videos and Film Showcase Submissions: The size limit in EasyChair is 100 MB. So, make sure to upload word/PDF document with that include: 1) a thematic title, 2) contact information, 3) an abstract of no more than 100 words focused on a coherent theme, 4) provide URL link to videos no shorter  than two minutes and films no longer than 20 minutes, and 5) for films with longer durations, you should edit your film to an appropriate length for the conference. A committee of selected judges will chair creative video and film showcases.

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