Pen to Animation – Kids SciFi

24 сентября25 сентября 2022

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 10.09.2022

Организаторы: Online

emal: [email protected]

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Текущее значение: 0

Pen to Animation Kids SciFi is a special initiative taken by ETmantra eLearning Solutions that will allow SciFi authors to publish their stories on a YouTube channel in form of a Video. This is how it will work:-Kids SciFi Authors will write a story.
Story will be peer-reviewed to check if it falls under Kids SciFi and appropriate for kids.
Story will be reviewed by Animators if it can be animated.
Each story will get a score.
Top 30 Stories will be selected for presentation in the conference.
Top 15 Stories will be selected for animation in the conference.
All authors will get a certificate for story presentation in conference.
Stories animation will be created by animators and will be published on YouTube between Nov 2022 and Dec 2022.

Submission Guidelines
All Stories must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal, book, YouTube channel or conference. You are most welcome to submit a Kids SciFi if you believe that your story is a Kids SciFi. Please follow these guidelines before submitting a story:Story must be written in the form of Screen Play i.e. Character (Emotion): Dialogue (Situation/Action).
Combined length of dialogues should not be more than 900 Words.
There should not be more than 5 active characters in the story. If a character has dialogues than it’s considered as an active character of the story.
Story must be written in English Language only.

Once selected in Top 15 a SciFi will be converted to Animation and will be published on a YouTube Channel by ETmantra eLearning Solutions PVT LTD.


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