The International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2019)

14 октября18 октября 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 16.05.2019

Организаторы: European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)

emal: [email protected]

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Original contributions to theory, design, implementation, modeling, analysis, or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Distributed computing theory, computability, knowledge
  • Concurrency and synchronization, transactional memory
  • Distributed algorithms and data structures: correctness and complexity
  • Distributed graph algorithms, dynamic networks, network science
  • Multiprocessor and multicore parallel architectures and algorithms
  • Circuits, Systems on chip and networks on chip
  • Wireless, mobile, sensor and ad-hoc networks
  • Fault tolerance and self-stabilization, reliability, availability
  • Security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
  • Block chain and other recent distributed paradigms
  • Game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
  • Formal verification, synthesis and testing: methodologies, tools
  • Distributed operating systems, middleware, and distributed programming
  • Distributed databases, big data, cloud and peer-to-peer computing
  • Mobile agents, autonomous distributed systems, swarm robotics
  • Biological and nature-inspired distributed algorithms
  • Machine learning and distributed computing

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