The (SCOPUS/ISI) SOAS GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2022/2023
Организаторы: The SOAS GLOCAL, The SOAS Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics & University of The Philippines Diliman, Philippines.
Контактное лицо: Ms. Nhan Huynh
Контактный телефон: +442076372388
emal: [email protected]
• The SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022/2023 (SCOPUS / ISI indexed) is the annual GLOCAL conference and set of workshops and lectures on the Linguistic Anthropology, The Sociolinguistics, and the Language and Society, of Asia. The conference will be separated into two parts, an online-virtual component in November 2022, and a physical in-person component in May 2023.
• 3,000 global institutions, including: SOAS (University of London), University College London, Ohio State University, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Stanford University, Stockholm University, University of Kansas, California State University, Aichi University, University of East Anglia, Temple University, National Chengchi University, Beijing Normal University, University of Illinois, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Indonesia, University of Putra Malaysia, Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Vietnam National University, Adelaide University.
• Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Sage, Wiley, John Benjamins, Cambridge University, Oxford University.
• Online Virtual – http://cala2021.upd.edu.ph
• Physical In-person – University of The Philippines, Diliman, Manila, the Philippines.
• Online Virtual – Dec 19-21, 2022
• Physical In-person – May 16-19 2023.
• General Papers
• Colloquia
• Posters
• Workshops / lectures on research and publishing methodology, and on ethnography, by globally prominent academics (including ELAR SOAS) and publishing companies.
• Special Panels
• Keynotes: Jack Sidwell (University of Toronto) and other globally prominent scholars in Linguistic Anthropology and Language and Society.
• Publishing companies (Taylor and Francis, Elsevier, Sage, John Benjamins, Wiley).
• Global Universities
• The Endangered Alphabets Atlas.
• Local and International Ethnographical Associations.
• The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR), University of London
• Other organizations and institutions
• Anthropological and Cultural Performances from Filipino and Southeast Asian performance companies
• Anthropological one day options to sites significant to Philippine language and society.
• Online Virtual: The SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022 abstract submission /Final call for abstracts opens on October 20, 2022 and closes on November 20, 2022. The Notification of Acceptance will be no later than November 21, 2022. Submit at the following link, with all information. https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph/submit.
• Physical: The SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2023 abstract submission /Final call for abstracts opens on October 20, 2022 and closes on March 13, 2023. The Notification of Acceptance will be no later than March 16, 2023. Submit at the following link, with all information. https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph/submit.
• Symbol and Society: The SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022/2023 invites work on the linguistic symbols of Asian and global Asian society, for a new era. Submissions should acknowledge and describe the transfer of language and communication in this new era. Papers should discuss the ways in which communication takes on both evolutionary and revolutionary form, following recent significant changes in Asian society, and in Asia’s new and revised interrelatedness across global scopes.
• For full Scientific Committee, see: https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph/sc-committee/
• Conference proceedings (ISI / AHCI indexed)
• Several special High Impact (Scopus/ISI /ACHI /SSCI) journal issues and monographs are planned with well ranked publications and publishers only, from papers submitted to the (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022/2023 that meet review requirements. Ample assistance is provided to revise and submit papers.
• Head of Communications: Ms. Nhan Huynh, Ms. Samantha Emery. https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph/contact/
• Website: https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph
• Submission link: https://cala2021.upd.edu.ph/submit
• Academia: https://soas.academia.edu/GLOCALSOAS
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/SOAS-glocal-UNIT
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GLOCALSOAS/
• GLOCAL website: http://glocal.soas.ac.uk/
• GLOCAL App: https://glocal.soas.ac.uk/the-glocal-app/