United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research 2021

2 сентября3 сентября 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 18.06.2021

Организаторы: University of Glasgow

emal: [email protected]; [email protected]

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Topics such as implementation of new curricula or new course designs may be better suited to our sister Computing Education Practice conference.

Paper Format and Submission
Papers should be submitted in ACM double-column conference proceedings format. The page limit is six pages, not counting the references. The references may occupy a seventh page if the paper reaches the six page limit. Papers must be submitted in an anonymised form for double-blind review. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings, and presented in a session at the conference.

We invite proposals for running 1-2 hour workshops. The workshops should be relevant to British and Irish educators (in a university or school setting) and/or computing education researchers. Example workshops may be on the use of research techniques (e.g. qualitative methods), grant writing, pedagogical techniques (e.g. peer instruction), tools (e.g. programming environments, assessment tools), or any other topic which may be relevant to conference attendees.
Workshops will take place in the afternoon of first day of the conference. Workshop organisers will be given an opportunity to advertise their workshop via a one-minute lightning talk earlier in the conference.

Workshop Format and Submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted in ACM double-column conference proceedings format. The page limit is two pages, including references. Workshop proposal must be submitted in an anonymised form for review. Workshop proposals should include: details of the workshop’s content, practical requirements (e.g. group discussion tables, computer room, etc) whether or not this workshop has been run before, and intended take-away knowledge for participants. The authors of accepted workshop proposals will be invited to deliver the workshop at the conference.

We invite posters for presentation and discussion at the conference. The posters should be relevant to British and Irish educators (in a university or school setting) and/or computing education researchers. Example posters could include initial ideas, experimental designs, pedagogical techniques or early proposals to address open challenges in computing science education research.
Poster Format and Submission
Poster abstracts should be submitted in ACM double-column conference proceedings format. The page limit is one page, including references. Poster abstracts must be submitted in an anonymised form for review. The authors of accepted poster abstracts will be invited to present a poster at the conference.

Call for participation
Thursday, January 8, 2020.
Abstracts deadline
Friday, June 18, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Full papers deadline
Friday, June 25, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Workshop proposals deadline
Friday, June 25, 2020, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Poster abstracts deadline
Monday, July 9, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Paper acceptance notification
Friday, July 23, 2021.
Workshop proposal notification
Monday, July 23, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Poster abstracts notification
Monday, July 30, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Camera-ready version due
Friday, August 6, 2021, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)


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