XVIII Congress of European Mycologists

16 сентября21 сентября 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 31.03.2019

Организаторы: Polish Mycological Society; Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Контактный телефон: +48 22 552 67 27

emal: [email protected]

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The Polish Mycological Society and European Mycological Association extend a warm invitation to all mycologists across Europe and the whole globe to attend the XVIII Congress of European Mycologists which is going to be held September, 16th-21st 2019 in Warsaw and Białowieża, Poland.
The congress will include prompt keynote presentations, talks, poster presentations on fungal biodiversity, genomics, metabolomics, evolution, phytopathology and fungal conservation. We will discuss different strategies for bioremediation and biocontrol. Special emphasis will be put on applying basic science and molecular techniques from diverse areas of mycology towards solving biomedical problems.

Meeting overview

The venue for the meeting will be The Old University Library, a convention center of the University of Warsaw located in the old part of the city, easily accessible by public transportation and at short walking distance from restaurants, cafes and hotels.
On September 18th, we will transfer by buses to Białowieża – the heart of the most famous lowland primeval forest in Europe. We will be hosted by Białowieża’s hotels and the convention center of the Białowieża National Park. Due to space constraints, attendance will be limited to 300 participants, on a first-come, first-served basis.
The official program, beginning on Monday, September 16th, will mostly follow the traditional organization of a CEM meeting: it will consist of morning plenary sessions and two parallel sessions during each of the 2 days in Warsaw, and 2 days in Białowieża. We also propose forest trip with the possibility to collect fungi. In Białowieża, a special laboratory with microscopes will be available for individual work for every participant. We will also visit the Bison Reserve and the Białowieża National Park Reserve – the part of the forest which is most natural and undisturbed by human activity.
We expect to have approximately 60 oral presentations as part of a diverse array of symposia selected by   our   Scientific Committee consisting of session leaders. The poster session will take place in Warsaw, on the second and third day of the Congress.
The EMA general assembly will take place during the Warsaw part of the Congress.
In Warsaw we will have the possibility to listen to a Chopin concert and visit the exhibition of fungal pictures taken by both amateur and professional Polish photographers. The exhibition titled “Fungi – masterpieces of art made by nature” prepared by the Polish Mycological Society and the Silesian Botanic Garden will be held in the Faculty of Sculpture of the Polish Academy of Fine Arts.
The conference dinner will take place on Friday evening, September 20th, at the Żubrówka Hotel in Białowieża. The Institute of Forestry Research, which will be our host, will offer us famous local food (and special drinks – some of them with rare and aromatic grass).
With the XVIII Congress of European Mycologists, we have the ambition for Warsaw to become a great showcase for the study of mycology. As such, several outreach activities, aimed at the general public, will take place in the city during the Congress. A special open lecture about forensic mycology will be prepared and presented by Patricia Wiltshire known in Europe as the Queen of forensic science. It will take place in Nicolaus Copernicus Center – the biggest educational center in Warsaw. An exhibition in the NCC space about the biodiversity of dead wood is also planned.
The call for participants’ presentations is now open. Proposals will be evaluated by sessions organizers (see Scientific Committee). Session organizers will pick a diversity of presenters. We would like to thank them for their huge, difficult and essential work in selecting abstracts for this meeting.
Because of the cap on the total number of participants for our conference (300), registration will be closed once this number is reached. There will be a period where presenters will have the priority to register and after that the registration will be open for all on a first-come, first served basis.

This site will be updated as soon as relevant information becomes available. Please, visit regularly!

We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw and Białowieża


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