2nd International Workshop on
Deceptive AI @

(will be held fully online)

Find us at Yellow1 in Gathertown!!
program for map)

19 Aug 2021

Workshop Description

The Deceptive AI workshop series brings together people from academia, industry and policy-making to discuss and disseminate the current and future threats, risks, benefits and challenges of deceptive AI. The series takes a multidisciplinary (Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy & Ethics, Military Studies, Law etc.) approach to the debate, aiming to shed light on aspects of deceptive AI ranging from behaviour, reasoning and cognition through ethical and societal impact, to engineering and deployment.

This year's workshop will be heavily discussion-based, with invited speakers, authors of accepted papers and experts from all over the world debating pertinent topics related to deceptive AI.

Invited Speakers

Carlo Kopp

Carlo Kopp was one of the first generation Information Warfare researchers during the 1990s, when he produced multiple publications on information infrastructure vulnerability to electromagnetic threats. In 1999 he was one of the two researchers who independently identified the information theoretic basis of deception. Kopp is a multi-disciplinary researcher with over 600 works spanning computer systems and networks, information warfare, and a range of strategy and military science topics. He holds PhD and MSc degrees in Computer Science, a BE (Hons) degree in electrical engineering, and is a member of the ACM, Senior Member of the IEEE, and Associate Fellow in the AIAA.

Serena Villata

Serena Villata is a tenured research fellow (CR1) in computer science at the CNRS in Sophia Antipolis (France). Her research area is Artificial Intelligence, and her current work focuses on natural and formal argumentation, particularly in legal and medical texts, political debates and social networks. Since July 2019, she has been awarded with a Chaire in Artificial Intelligence at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Artificial Intelligence 3IA Cote d’Azur on “Artificial Argumentation for Humans”. Since December 2019, she is a member of the National Pilot Committee for Digital Ethics.

Panelists include:

Ronald Arkin,

School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech

Martin Caminada

School of Computer Science & Informatics,

Cardiff University

Cristiano Castelfranchi

Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Rome

Micah Clark

Applied Research Laboratory,

Pennsylvania State University

Carlo Kopp

Department of Data Science and AI, Monash University, Australia

Emiliano Lorini


Toulouse, France

Chiaki Sakama,

Dept of Systems Engineering,

Wakayama University, Japan

Stefan Sarkadi,

Inria & Interdisciplinary Institute for AI (3IA),

Inria Sophia-Antipolis

Nishanth Sastry

Centre for Cyber Security,

University of Surrey

Marija Slavkovik

Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen

Liz Sonenberg

School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne

Sara Uckelman

Department of Philosophy,

Durham University

Alan Wagner

Aerospace Engineering

Pennsylvania State University

Ben Wright

US Naval Research Laboratory