OpenCERT 2019: 9th International Workshop on Open Community approaches to Education, Research and Technology

8 октября 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 24.06.2019

Индексирование сборника: Springer

Организаторы: University of Minho, Portugal

emal: [email protected]

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Open Community is a generalisation of the concept of Open Source to other collaborative efforts. It includes Open Content, that is, some form of non restrictive licence, and Open Knowledge, that is, the freedom to use, reuse, and redistribute knowledge without legal, social or technological restriction. The 9th International Workshop on Open Community approaches to Education, Research and Technology expands ther scope of the International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification, whose 8 editions run from 2007 to 2014. The new scope of the workshop aims to promote the use of the Open Community approaches in Education and Research while also exploiting them to achieve wide diffusion and proper assessment of new, innovative Technology. The workshop general focus is on

  1. Education, by exploring forms of open learning and collaborative learning in both formal and informal education contexts, as well as the use of peer reviewing and strategies and methods to ensure (and aiming at certifying) that such use guarantees a proper and fair assessment;
  2. Research, by aiming at
    • establishing open research projects as “cauldrons” of open data, open knowledge and collaborative development, as well as devising metodologies and tools for the management and assessment of such projects;
    • defining open peer-review methodologies for the assessment of research outputs and appropriate bibliometrics based on the community open feedback rather than on a questionable analysis of citations;
    • defining, more specifically, quality metrics and a formal process to certify open source software (OSS) products and the outcomes of other peer-production efforts.
  3. Technology, on the one hand by fostering and exploiting open communities to make new technologies globally available and accepted and, on the other hand, to support such communities in the production process and to certify the information and data produced or made publicly available by such communities, especially in the case of advices provided by thematic communities and user/consumer support/review communities.

In the context of FM, OpenCERT 2019 will propose thematic aspects related to the area of Formal Methods

  1. Education: open and collaborative approaches in Formal Methods education;
  2. Research: open community research in Formal Methods, formal modelling of learning and collaboration
  3. Technology: integrating Formal Methods technologies and tools within OSS projects as a means for Formal Methods acceptance and diffusion;

but still accepting submissions outside these aspects.


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