International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies in Education Research and Technology 2020

16 декабря19 декабря 2020

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 16.11.2020

Индексирование сборника: Scopus

Организаторы: LAE Conference

emal: [email protected]

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ISERT 2020 is concerned with the application of the latest interdisciplinary studies to all aspects of education, research and technology. The objectives of this conference are to explore the experimental, theoritical and scientific data analysis foundations of interdisciplinary studies. This conference provides the most beneficial platform to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills and opportunities with ideal flow of knowledge and informations between industrials, scientists, academicians, researchers, educational administrators and policy makers. This conference is concerned with both theoritical modeling and scientific developments as well as applications of existing technology to new domains.


Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Research Articles and Reviews
  • Short Communications
  • Case Studies
  • Research Proposals and Synopsis
  • Comparative Studies
  • Dissertation Chapters
  • Surveys, Tutorials and Editorials
  • Pedagogical and Curricular issues

List of Topics

  • Engineering and Technologies: Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, Software Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Biological Engineering, Interior Design Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Energy Engineering, Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Mining Engineering, Textile Technology, Information Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Materials Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Safety Technology, Bio Technology
  • Sciences and General Studies: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Astronomy Science, Biological Science, Natural Science, General Study Skills, Biology, Administrative Science, Global and Social Science, Life Sciences, Food and Agricultural Science, Earth Science, Health Science, Tourism Science, Geo Science, Maritime Studies
  • Arts, Education and Humanities: Mass Communication, Educational Technology, Special Education, Quranic Studies, Art Education, Islamic Studies, Early Childhood, Literature Studies, Tourism and Antiquities, Sport Sciences and Physical Activities, Education Techniques and Policies, Psychology and Philosophy, Information Science, History and Archaeology, Social Science, Educational Science, Curriculum and Instruction, Urban/Rural Development, Religion Studies, Art and Music, Geography, Sociology and Social Work, Teaching Methods, Civics and Ethical Education, Political Science
  • Computing and Informatics: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Systems Engineering
  • Media and Culture Sciences: Communication and Media, Cultural Studies
  • Architecture and Design: Architecture and Building Science, Urban and Rural Planning, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Energy and Design
  • Languages and Translation: English Language and Translation, Linguistics and Translation Studies
  • Administrative and Financial Development: Health Administration, Public Administration, Economics, Marketing and Management, Financial Management, Accounting and Finance, Management Information Systems, Quantitative Analysis, Administrative Affairs and Employment, Budgets and Quality Assurance, Campus Safety and Security, Housing and Recreational Facilities, Housing Maintenance Management, International Cooperation and Scientific Societies, Landscaping Management and Support, Warehouse Control Management, Property Management, Procurement and Warehouse Management, Operation and Support Services, Management and Development Studies, Human Resource Management, Supply Chain Management, Home Economics, Project Management
  • Food Science and Agriculture: Plant Production and Protection, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Production, Soil Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Food Science and Nutrition, Agricultural Extension and Rural Society, Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture
  • Community and Social Studies: Applied Studies and Community Services, Health Information Technology
  • Law, Crime and Technology: Legal Services and Skills, Criminal Sciences, Commercial and Public Laws, Human Rights, Intellectual Property and Financial Law, Forensic Sciences, Environmental Law


ISERT 2020 proceedings will be published in American International Journal of Research in Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (AIJRSTEM – UGC Approved) and International Journal of Innovative Technology & Exploring Engineering (IJITEE – Scopus Indexed)


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