Applied Artificial Intelligence in Data Science, Cloud Computing and IoT Frameworks

30 апреля 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 30.04.2021

Организаторы: N/O

emal: [email protected]

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The new applications of Artificial Intelligence can be regarded as an emerging field in computer science, automatic control engineering, medicine, biology application, natural environmental engineering, and pattern recognition. Now the exemplar model for Artificial Intelligence is human brain. The use of various techniques of Artificial Intelligence are nowadays successfully implemented in many domestic, commercial, and industrial applications due to the low-cost and very high performance digital processors and also the decline price of the memory chips. This is the main reason behind the wider expansion of Artificial Intelligence techniques and its application areas. These computing methods also play a significant role in the design and optimization in diverse engineering disciplines. With the influence and the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, the need for using soft computing techniques has become more significant than ever. In general, soft computing methods similar to biological processes very closely than traditional techniques, which are mostly based on formal logical systems, such as sentential logic and predicate logic, or rely heavily on computer-aided numerical analysis. Soft computing techniques are anticipated to complement each other. The aim of these techniques is to accept imprecision, uncertainties and approximations to get a rapid solution.

Table of Contents (Provisional)

Part I: Artificial Intelligencetechniques for Internet of Things (IoT) devices
Chapter 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Techniques with its use with IoT devices
Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence-based multimedia technology for monitoring system with IoT
Chapter 3: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for risk and behavioral monitoring.
Chapter4: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Signal processing
Chapter 5: Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT based healthcare
Chapter 6: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Real-time monitoring with big data processing and analytics for IoT in healthcare
Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for high performance computing for IoT applications in healthcare
Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for healthcare decision-support systems

Part II: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Cloud Computing and Computer Networking
Chapter 9: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques for Network architecture and its routing strategy
Chapter 10: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques for Intrusion Detection System
Chapter11: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques for Congestion Control and load balancing
In network environment
Chapter12: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques for coverage optimization in wireless sensor networks
Chapter 13: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques for positioning improvement of sensors in wireless sensor networks
Chapter 14: Soft Computing Techniques for Energy and resource aware in cloud environment.

Part III: Artificial Intelligence in Data Science
Chapter 15: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Text and Sentiment Analytics
Chapter 16: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Web Semantics
Chapter 17: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Financial Engineering
Chapter 18: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Data Visualization
Chapter 19: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Image Feature Classification and Extraction
Chapter 20: Artificial IntelligenceTechniques in Time-series forecasting


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