4 апреля6 апреля 2023

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 10.03.2023

Организаторы: Hilton University Houston

emal: [email protected]

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Topics focused on ports and the maritime domain.
Poster Research will, in general, identify a gap or problem area, evaluate possible solutions or way ahead, and outline future actions, policy steps, or research needed for continued advancement.
Students are required to use the presentation template provided. To be considered, all submissions must be uploaded no later than midnight, Friday, March 10th, 2023.
Judging will be done online prior to the Conference.
All contest participants are invited to attend the 2023 Port of the Future Conference, to be held on April 4-6th 2022, at the Hilton University Houston.
Presentation of Posters The Chairperson of, the Student Research Poster Contest will display all poster submissions on the Port of the Future website by Friday, 17 March 2023.
Student authors will display their poster on the evening of Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30 p.m., Central Time, at the Hilton University Houston.
Students will stand by to provide a 10-minute presentation of their work and address follow-up questions.


Authors of all accepted poster contest submissions will receive a Certificate of Participation.
The authors of the Top 3 submissions will receive a framed Certificate of Award and free admission to the 2023 Port of the Future Conference
Questions about the Student Research Poster Contest?


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