A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions

19 мая23 мая 2019

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 14.10.2018

Организаторы: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

emal: [email protected]

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In 2019, it is 100 years ago since the first National Forest Inventory (NFI) was established in Norway. The establishment of the NFI in 1919 was motivated by a fear of over-exploitation of timber resources. Just a few years later – in the 1920’s – similar monitoring programs were to follow in Finland, Sweden and the USA. Later, debates on acid rain in the 1980’s were a trigger for initiating NFI’s in central Europe. In the recent years, climate change (REDD+) has triggered the establishment of new NFI’s, especially in developing countries while most developed countries now have regular NFI programs.

One hundred years ago, the primary motivation of establishing NFI’s was to obtain an overview of timber resources. Since then, NFI’s have gradually evolved to provide answers to a much broader range of issues. While monitoring timber resources and sustainability is still a major component, NFI’s today also monitor forest damage, carbon sequestration as well as biodiversity indices and many other ecosystem services of landscapes in general. Currently, NFI’s provides data vital to decision support at national, regional and even local scales, to international reporting under the Climate Convention, and to international forest health monitoring programs. In line with the widening of objectives during the past century, techniques, sampling designs and resources in the NFI’s have evolved to be able to provide relevant answers to the society.

We would now like to take this unique opportunity to celebrate the first 100 years of history of the NFI’s by bringing together researchers and practitioners with an interest in forest monitoring, to reflect on the passed challenges, the lessons learned, and to improve future large-scale forest and landscape inventory programs.


  • Keynote speakers:

  • Arne Northdurft, Boku, Austria – Mutualisms between Forest Monitoring and Forest Inventory

    Arne Nothdurft is Professor for Forest Monitoring and head of the Institute of Forest Growth at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU).

  • Göran Ståhl, SLU, Sweden – Use of auxiliary information in NFIs

    Göran Ståhl is professor of forest inventory at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden.

  • Ellen Bruzelius Backer, Policy Director for Environmental integrity at Norway International Climate and Forest Initiative: From NFI statistics to policy – What users need for climate reporting and MRV

    Ellen Bruzelius Backer is the Policy Director for Environmental Integrity at Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/klima-og-miljo/klima/klima–og-skogsatsingen/id2000712/ ).

  • Christoph Kleinn, Univ. Göttingen, Germany – National forest inventories have the longest history of all empirical forest related studies – of rigor and relevance at the science-policy interface

    Christoph Kleinn is a professor at University of Göttingen, Germany, where he leads the Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing team in the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology (http://www.iww.forst.uni-goettingen.de/iww-eng.htm).

  • Gherardo Chirici, Univ. Florence, Italy – Are NFIs ready for ecosystem services assessment?

    Gherardo Chirici is Associate Professor at the University of Florence (Italy), chair of Forest inventory and remote sensing, director of geoLAB – Laboratory of Forest Geomatics (www.geolab.unifi.it).

  • Laura Duncanson: NASA Earth observation programs and NFIs – how can we achieve synergies?

    Laura Duncanson has recently started a position as an assistant professor at the University of Maryland College Park, after spending four years as a research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

  • Anssi Pekkarinen, FAO,FRA, International – Importance of NFIs in the international context

    Anssi Pekkarinen works for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, where he leads the Global Forest Resources Assessment team.

  • Special session by Erkki Tomppo: Multisource NFIs in the next decade – foundations for the way forward

    • Klemens Schadauer: Field plots and RS technologies – a common future for NFIs?
    • Ron McRoberts: A primer on model-based inference for remote sensing-assisted forestry  applications.
    • Erkki Tomppo:  Remote sensing aided forest inventories  – past, present, future

List of possible topics and tentative schedule:

  • Sunday 19th May:
  • 19.00


  • Monday 20th May: Improving future NFIs by learning from the past

    • 100 years Norwegian NFI
    • What can we learn from historic data and long time series?
    • History of forest sampling techniques
    • History of measurement devices
    • History of remote sensing in NFIs
    • How did and do NFIs contribute to major debates like acid rain (“forest dieback”) and others?
    • How do NFIs contribute to major debates like climate change?
    • NFIs and forest industry development
  • Tuesday 21st May: NFIs today and in the future

    • Importance of international cooperation – FAO, ENFIN, SNS, and others
    • Policy, regulations, funding, education
    • Sampling designs in various NFIs
    • Newly established NFIs in the context of REDD+
    • How are NFI data used today?
    • Use of NFI data in research (e.g. modelling risk, growth and yield studies, climate change)
    • Informing critical environmental issues by monitoring biodiversity and other ecological aspects
    • Techniques for greenhouse gas inventories
    • NFIs and socio-economic data
  • 20.00

    Gala dinner

  • Wednesday 22nd May: Cutting edge and futuristic inventory techniques and technologies

    • NFIs and FMIs – pathways to a fruitful synergy?
    • Evolution of NFIs from forest to landscape inventories
    • Remote sensing and sampling methods
    • New sensors and satellite missions
    • Dissemination of forest inventory data
    • Value of information
    • Informing precision forestry
    • New field measurement devices (TLS, photogrammetry, etc.)
  • Thursday 23rd May: Field excursion

    On the last day of the conference, a whole-day field trip will be arranged to forest areas and historic sites. In the forest, crews from Nordic and Baltic countries will demonstrate and explain how the NFI fieldwork is carried out in their respective countries, together with the sampling schemes used. We will further have a stop at the uniquely restored 19thcentury chain-operated timber transportation system that was used to haul timber several hundred meters up to the watershed divine between Lake Tyrifjorden in the west and the waterways floating towards the Oslo Fjord in the east, where the sawmills were located at that time.

    The field trip will end at Sundvolden at 16:00 hours.


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