28 октября30 октября 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 31.05.2021

Организаторы: International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore

emal: [email protected]

Повысить рейтинг

Повышение рейтинга дает возможность оставаться объявлению в топе на главной странице, а также на страницах городов, тематик, связанных с объявлением.

Текущее значение: 0

Topics, e.g. creating inclusive educational/corporate spaces, designing accessible courses, contents and pedagogy etc.

Submission Guidelines for Research Papers
Conference accepts extended abstracts based on both original work as well as previouslypublished work. Extended abstracts should be limited to a maximum of 1000 words and two printed pages including figures, references etc. In case of original work, extended abstract would be reviewed and based on the review outcome, it could be accepted under full paper, short paper or poster paper category and the authors would have to submit a suitable manuscript addressing the concerns of the reviewers. In case extended abstract is based on an already published work, then the same should be explicitly mentioned in the submitted extended abstract. Based on the review, such extended abstracts may be included for presentation in the conference.
A paper development workshop will be conducted by senior researchers in the area of assistive technologies for the authors of accepted extended abstracts. More details will be provided along with the notification of acceptance to such authors.

EMPOWER 2021 is open to all areas that can assist in the integration of people with special needs in the society. The areas include but are not limited to education, mobility andtransport, health, communication and entertainment. Please note that this year thesubmissions would be handled only through the EasyChair portal.

Important Dates

Release of submission guidelines for extended abstracts of Research Papers: 25 March2021
Submissions open for extended abstracts of Research Papers: 25 March 2021
Submissions close for extended abstracts of Research Papers: 31 May 2020
Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2020
Paper development workshop for authors of accepted extended abstracts: mid-July (exactdate to be communicated along with notification of acceptance)
Submission of final papers: 15 September 2021
More information on the conference is available at https://empower2021.iiitb.ac.in/

Queries and clarifications may be addressed to [email protected] or to the ‘ResearchPapers and Posters’ Chairs. If you need more information about other conference tracks, please feel free to contact the respective Chairs.Email ids of the Track Chairs are available at https://empower2021.iiitb.ac.in/organising-committee/.


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