KDD 2021 Workshop on Online and Adaptative Recommender Systems

14 августа18 августа 2021

Форма участия: Дистанционная

Срок подачи заявок: 20.05.2021

Организаторы: commete

emal: [email protected]

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Текущее значение: 0

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Novel algorithms and paradigms
– online and adaptive neural recommender
– reinforcement learning (on-policy, off-policy, offline RL, and other relevant subfields)
– online/streaming learning
– interactive and conversational recommender
– extreme classification
– graph recommender

– product recommendation
– content recommendation
– ads recommendation
– fashion and decor recommendation
– job recommendation
– intervention/behavior change/healthy life-style recommendation

User modeling and representations
– implicit and explicit user intent modeling
– dynamic user intent modeling
– visual/style/taste modeling
– combination of in-session intent with long term user interest
– incorporation of knowledge graph
– representation learning

Architecture and Infrastructure
– scalability of neural methods for large scale real-time recommendations
– steaming and event-driven processing infrastructures

Evaluation and explanation methodologies
– evaluation, comparison, explanation of OARS for a recommendation task
– off-policy and counterfactual evaluation

Social and user impact
– UX for OARS
– welfare and objectives of OARS (CTR, dwell-time, diversity, multi-objectives, long term objectives)
– privacy and ethics considerations


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