The 13th International Workshop on Cyberspace Security and Artificial Intelligence

1 октября3 октября 2021

Форма участия: Очно-заочная

Срок подачи заявок: 01.06.2021

Организаторы: To be held in conjunction with IEEE ISPA-2021

emal: [email protected]

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Explainable machine learning for cyberspace security and safety
Human machine intelligence for cyberspace security and safety
Adversarial machine learning
Security and safety for autonomous systems
Security and safety for embedded systems
Digital twins and cyberspace security
Game theoretic reasoning in cyberspace security and safety
SDN security and safety
Cloud security and AI
Smart contract security and safety
Lightweight security and safety
Network intrusion detection and safety
Post quantum security and safety
Trust management and safety
Privacy and data protection
AI for cyberspace security and safety
Self-healing for cyberspace security and safety
Automotive cyber security and safety
Secure AI modeling and architecture
Novel cryptographic mechanism for AI
Security protocols for AI
Security and safety in data mining and analytics
Attack and defense methods with adversarial example
Cyberspace security and safety for 5G/6G
Cyberspace security and safety for internet of things
Cyberspace security and safety for industry 4.0/5.0
Smart grid security and safety
Applications of AI for cyberspace security and safety


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