23 ноября24 ноября 2022

Форма участия: Очная

Срок подачи заявок: 15.10.2022

Индексирование сборника: Scopus, Web of Science, Ei Compendex, Google Scholar

Организаторы: Mutah University – Dead Sea

emal: [email protected]

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Track 4: Software engineering: web engineering, Information Systems Analysis and Specification, IT Applications, Database Technology, Systems Integration, and other related issues.
Track 5: IoT: IoT Architectures and protocols, IoT Applications, IoT security and trust management, Fog/ Edge computing architecture, UAV-enabled Fog/Edge computing, Service placement in Fog/Edge computing environments, Task scheduling in Fog/Edge computing environments.
Track 6: Data Science: General Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Statistics learning, Programming, Data Mining, Data Visualization.


ETCEA2022 proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore® by IEEE and submitted for indexation by:
Google Scholar
The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
Semantic Scholar
Engineering Index
Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index

Authors of the best-selected papers presented at the conference will be invited to prepare an extended version of their papers to be considered for potential publication in a special issue of the Scopus-indexed Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology ( JJCIT) https://www.jjcit.org
Colleagues, who cannot attend the event to present their papers for any reason may request an online presentation.
The registration fees of the top 10% of the articles will be waived.

The conference will be held at Mutah University – the Dead Sea – Jordan


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