21 июня–23 июня 2023
Форма участия: Очная
Срок подачи заявок: 14.11.2022
Индексирование сборника: Scopus
Организаторы: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, main campus
emal: [email protected]
We are pleased to invite you to the 9th International Research Symposium on PBL (IRSPBL23) under the theme Transforming Engineering Education 2023 (TEE 2023).
Addressing global challenges requires complex problem-solving, systems thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. How can we transform engineering education so that students develop these important skills? What learnings can be shared by higher education institutions that have embarked on educational transformation processes? What do other stakeholders in higher education, industry, and society, have to say about these efforts? These, and other, questions will be discussed in a highly interactive, in-person format at the Transforming Engineering Education 2023 conference.
Submitted manuscripts should focus on engineering education, either practice, empirical research (completed or in progress), and workshop proposal. The first round of extended abstract submissions will be open from September 19 to November 14, 2022, 23: 59 EDT. The submissions of workshop proposals will be open from September 19 to December 15, 2022, 23: 59 EDT. You can submit a manuscript in one of the three formats: Research extended abstracts, Best practice extended abstracts, and Workshop proposals. Accepted manuscripts for extended abstracts will be published in Scopus-indexed conference proceedings.
The templates of extended abstracts and workshop proposals are available on the conference website: https://www.tee2023.mit.edu/
Submission guidelines for three types of contributions are listed below:
1) Research extended abstracts, maximum of five pages
The research extended abstracts refer to both research and review/conceptual papers. If the submission is work-in-progress, please indicate it in the title of your paper. Please note, any contributor’s name can only appear as the first author for one submission. In case multiple submissions are made with the same first author, only the latest one will be taken into consideration and reviewed.
Besides the above criteria, the extended abstracts will be reviewed based on how they address the following elements:
1. Motivation for the work, with reference to relevant literature;
2. Research question(s), problem(s), goals and hypothesis, or assumptions;
3. Relevant theoretical and empirical frameworks that underpin the study;
4. An appropriate research methodology, namely methods, and tools for data collection and analysis;
5. Results in a clear manner and how they answer the research question(s);
6. Critical reflections regarding the results, discussion and conclusions, and their implications for the development of PBL theory and practice.
2) Best practice extended abstracts, maximum of five pages
The best practice extended abstract refers to educational practice papers. If the submission is work-in-progress, please indicate it in the title of your paper. Please note, any contributor’s name can only appear as the first author for one submission. In case multiple submissions are made with the same first author, only the latest one will be taken into consideration and reviewed.
Besides the above general criteria, the extended abstracts will be reviewed based on how they address the following elements:
1. Motivations, drivers and, or triggers, for change and PBL implementation.
2. Description of one or more PBL practices, including design rationale, pedagogical frameworks, sources and, or practices used as inspiration.
3. Implementation, assessment methods, evidence of effectiveness, or achievement of the educational practice.
4. Main challenges, lessons learned and future perspectives regarding the educational practice described.
5. Critical reflections regarding the development of educational practice and its implications for other contexts and practitioners.
3) Workshop proposals, maximum of two pages
The workshop proposal refers to the proposal of interactive sessions that target specific audiences and promote knowledge transfer and competence development among participants. The maximum duration of a workshop is three hours, and the maximum number of participants is 30.
Besides the above criteria, the proposal will be reviewed based on how they address the following elements:
1. Basic information of the workshop, including workshop title, workshop organizers (names, affiliation, and contact information), qualifications of presenters and invited speakers, etc.
2. Content of the workshop, including the purpose of the workshop, description of the workshop topic, the contribution of the workshop, supportive materials (evidence from literature, empirical research, or/and practices), expected outcomes of the workshop, etc.
3. Draft workshop schedule, including duration, the planned format of discussions, types of learning activities, target audience, and expected number of participants, etc.