WebSci21 AI and Inclusion Workshop

22 июня 2021

Форма участия: Очно-заочная

Срок подачи заявок: 23.04.2021

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Topics: web accessibilityweb sciencedata scienceinclusive ai

The rapid transformation of social activities from offline to online that has occurred since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that many disabled people have encountered both opportunities and challenges in their daily social life. This workshop aims to invite academic and industry experts in the area of digital accessibility and AI to offer research and their individual views as to a range of digital accessibility issues they perceive as causing barriers to access, alongside possible solutions and strategies powered by AI technologies to provide an inclusive social web.

Submission Guidelines

In this workshop, we especially welcome contributions that:Have a broader perspective on the Web Science and AI that could better improve inclusive social life for people with disabilities (i.e., online and offline)
Present successful cases of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary AI and Inclusion research
Examine automation and AI in all its manifestations relevant to the Web and AI Inclusion
Consider the impact of COVID on technology adoption, risk perception and risk taking, change management, digital health, remote working and remote learning for people with disabilities.


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