9th International Conference on Sustainability
3 ноября–5 ноября 2022
Форма участия: Очная
Срок подачи заявок: 19.09.2022
Индексирование сборника: Scopus
Организаторы: Indian Institute of Management Shillong
Контактное лицо: The Chairperson, SUSCON-IX Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Umsawli
emal: [email protected]
Advertising & Marketing Communication
Leadership and Governance for Sustainable Development
Building Trust and Empathy for Co-creating Humane Organizations
Blending Traditional Wisdom with Modern Knowledge Systems
Circular Economy and Socio-economic Balance
Diversity, Inclusion and Social Equity
Sustainable Agri-Food Production
Energy Efficiency and Resource Mobilization for Sustainability
Sustainable Supply Chain and Life-Cycle Management
Sustainable Finance and Cooperative Financial Institutions
Sustainable Value Co-creation in a Post-COVID World
Transforming Work and Life for a Sustainable Future
Submission Type
SUSCON IX invites academicians, research scholars, and corporate/industry executives to submit:Research Paper (qualitative/quantitative/mixed)
Literature Review
Case Study
Conceptual paper
on one or more of the sub-themes mentioned above.
Submission Process
Authors can submit their extended abstracts up to 1000 words or the full paper using the submission portal given below. Authors need to submit multiple papers separately.
Abstract submission portal: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=suscon9
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted for any other conference or journal. Authors must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition (2020), while preparing their manuscript. The similarity of the text must not exceed 10%.
Mode of Presentation
SUSCON IX will be conducted in hybrid mode. Indian participants will present papers physically at the IIM Shillong campus. Only international participants may present their papers virtually (Optional).
Important Dates
Last date for abstract submission19 September 2022
Decision on acceptance28 September 2022
Registration begins01 October 2022
Registration closes17 October 2022
Registration Fees for Participants
Corporate/ IndustryRs. 6000 per participant +GST 18%
AcademiciansRs. 5000 per participant +GST 18%
Research ScholarsRs. 3000 per participant +GST 18%
International Participants$125 + GST 18%
Online (For International Participants only)$100 + GST 18%
The Registration Fees include Lunch, morning and afternoon Tea for two days, and Dinner for 2 days along with Conference Kit and Materials but do not include accommodation. The Participants will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation.
Publication of Conference Proceedings
We plan to publish the Conference proceedings in a SCOPUS Indexed Book by an International Publisher for selected full papers after the Conference after two round final double blind peer review followed by final review by the Editorial Team of the Publisher.
Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Umsawli, Shillong – 793018, Meghalaya, India