International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology 2023

23 февраля25 февраля 2023

Форма участия: Очно-заочная

Срок подачи заявок: 01.09.2022

Организаторы: Jaypee Business School, A-10 Sector 62

emal: [email protected]

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Track 1- Reimagining Modern Finance

Financial innovation for resilient business
Reporting and accounting for resilient business
Fintech disruptions: redesigning financial services
Managing financial risk through analytics
Socially responsible investing
Environmental, social and governance analysis
Micro-finance in times of disaster
Role of behavioral finance in financial forecasting
Role of private equity and venture capital in building resilient businesses

Track 2- Using Analytics to deliver Insights for developing Resilient Businesses

IoT Applications, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence in Business
Blockchain application for building resilient businesses
Influence of cyber security on building sustainable businesses
Cloud management for Businesses of future
Technology management for resilient businesses
Applying IoT frameworks for transforming businesses
Integrating technology to transform businesses
Application of smart tech in businesses

Track 3- Resilience in Operations Management

Building competitive advantage using sustainable supply chains
Vendor management for operational resilience
Warehouse models for businesses of the future
Role of sourcing decisions in achieving resilience in manufacturing
Resilient Assembly Lines of the future
Building resilient global value chains
Developing resilient healthcare operations
Adoption of digital technologies in operations

Track 4- Rethinking Marketing for Building Resilient and Sustainable Business

Marketing Strategy using Agile Framework
Marketing Analytics for developing sustainable businesses
Shaping Consumer Experiences in the Digital Age
Tapping Rural Markets for Business Sustainability
Business Transformation for the New-age Consumer
Green Marketing as a Tool to Achieve Sustainability
Go-to-Market Strategies for Start-ups
Integrated Marketing for Building Resilient SMEs
Decoding Consumer Behaviour in the Digital Age
Marketing Strategies Built Around Gen-Z
Marketing Automation

Track 5- Role of Human Capital for Resilient Businesses

Managing Inclusiveness and Diversity
Managing Work from Anywhere
Best practices with Agile Leadership for Managing Talent
Psychological Resilience
Developing Sustainable Business Culture
Work Culture on Building Resilient Organizations
Breakthrough Technologies for Better employee experience
Building culture of Diversity and Inclusivenessin organizations
Using Analytics for drive productivity Employee Engagement
Track 6- Role of Policy/Regulations/Law and Governance in Resilient BusinessesRole of regulators and institutions in making business resilient
Role of political systems to build sustainable institutions
Social Entrepreneurship for sustainable solutions for society
Changes in corporate governance in fostering resilience
Role of Education in building resilient human capital
Role of Regulation in Platform ecosystems

Track 7- Building Resilient and Sustainable Global Businesses

Extracting value from global networks
Building resilient global teams
Building global research and intelligence teams
Developing global ecosystem of digital technologies
Building diverse global collaborations and partnerships
Building transparent global supplier relations
Revisit centralizations vs. localization debate for global organizations
Developing transnational organizations for the “post-digital” era
Shift from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism
Contemporary trends in international expansio

Track 8- Innovation Management, Start-Up and Consultancy

Extracting value from global networks
Linkage between Innovation and geopolitical risks
Building and learning from community-sourced innovation
Pareto world and implications to innovation management
Building a culture of experimentation
Unlocking the power of quantum computing for business leaders
Innovation Policy and Management
Entrepreneurship in the Disruption Era: Risks and Opportunities
Start-up Entrepreneurship
Industry Sustainability and Growth Barriers

Track 9- Technology Management & Applications

Green Technologies and Sustainable Development
Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies
Information and Communication Technology Management
Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
IT Management: e-Government, Health Informatics, e-Commerce
Knowledge Management
New Product / Service Development
Process Innovation
Technology Foresight and Forecasting
Web Technologies and Information Management
Social Impact of Technology Development

Track 10- COVID-19 Management and Implications

Rethinking strategy for the post pandemic era
Capitalizing on opportunities in the economy of the future
Develop thriving post pandemic organization
Improving employee experience to build high performance organizations
Recovering from impact of covid-19 on education sector

ICAMT23 proceedings will be published in TBD

The conference will be held in Hybrid Mode


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