International Conference on Strategic Perspectives
Организаторы: DAV University
Контактное лицо: Dr. Saloni Raheja
Контактный телефон: +91 7652922001
emal: [email protected]
Topics highlighting the performance implications of internal and external organizational linkages.
Track – 3 Strategic Marketing
Strategic marketing is the way a firm effectively differentiates itself from its competitors by capitalizing on its strengths (both current and potential) to provide consistently better value to customers than its competitors. This track will include the strategic marketing studies discussing the performance implications of internal and external organizational linkages.
Track – 4 Strategic Finance
Strategic finance is a planning function that brings together the key elements of strategy and finance for financial decision making, taking into consideration the other functional areas of business, in order to drive business growth. This track will include the strategic financial management and accounting studies highlighting the performance implications of internal and external organizational linkages.
Track – 5 Economic Strategy
Economic strategy is a relatively new and rapidly developing area of economic consulting, involving the application of economic principles and methods to provide firms with unique insights aimed at addressing specific issues/problems and/or enhancing their long-term performance. This track will discuss the emerging themes in the area of economic strategy, especially the implications for the firm performance.
Track – 6 Operations Strategy
Operations strategy specifies the policies and plans for using the organization’s resources to support its long-term competitive strategy. This track will deliberate on the research studies relevant to operations strategy variables highlighting the implications of internal and/or external organizational linkages on firm performance.
Guidelines for Authors
You are invited to submit your extended abstract for evaluation by the Expert Committee and if the abstract is accepted, you must submit a full-text paper as per the timeline and the guidelines. The full paper will be requested for subsequent publication opportunities. Otherwise, your abstract only will be published in the Proceedings. Upon payment of the registration fee, your presentation will be confirmed. Please ensure your submission meets the following conference guidelines for accepting scholarly papers:Ensure that the title of the paper is clear and long enough to identify the topic and argument of the study.
Ensure that your paper is free of plagiarism.
All references mentioned in the text should be cited in the references should be cited in the body text for the submitted paper.
You must cite the most relevant and the recently published research works in the reference section to support your work.
Use APA Style for citing the references in the paper (see https://apastyle.apa.org/)
All tables and figures shown in the paper must be numbered, captioned, and referenced.
The Extended Abstract (about 2500 words) should include an introductory statement that outlines the background and significance of the study, methodology, the major findings of the study, and discussion. The abstract must include 3-4 keywords or phrases to identify the focus of the paper.
The full paper (Maximum 8000 words) must be submitted as per the timeline, if your abstract is accepted for the conference presentation.
Please proofread your abstract/paper, before submission, for any grammatical mistakes, typos, spelling mistakes and missing punctuation. You can use online free options (e.g. https://app.grammarly.com/) for the same.
The affiliation section should appear at the bottom of the first page on the left and must include the authors’ email, affiliation, and contact details. Please also specify the corresponding author.
The submitting author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all coauthors and any consent required from sponsors before submitting a paper.
Conference Proceedings
The peer-reviewed conference proceedings will include the extended abstracts of all the papers submitted and presented at the conference. A limited number of full length papers, selected on the basis of blind peer review, will be published in an ISBN Book / ISSN Journal, after the consent and signing of the copyright form by the author/s of the selected papers. Details of the journal will be shared with the selected authors, for their consent.
We encourage participants to attend the conference in offline in-person mode. However, you have the option to present in online mode, if it is not feasible for you to attend at the campus.
At least one of the co-authors must register for the inclusion of the paper in the conference. An author will be permitted to present not more than two papers.
Registration Fees
DelegateIndian (Rs.)Foreign ( USD )
Research Scholars / Students₹1200₹800$50$25
Faculty / Industry Delegate₹1500₹1000$75$50
Note:Only registered author/delegate will be issued the certificate of presentation/participation.
In online mode, the author(s) can present paper from their places without coming to DAVU.
In offline mode, the author/s have to come to DAVU for presentation/attending the conference.
Discount of 10% will be provided for early bird registration, i.e. one month prior to the conference date.
Additional 20% will be charged for on the spot registration.
Publication charges, if any, to be paid extra by the authors.