XV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Actual Problems Of Electronic Instrument Engineering»

19 ноября21 ноября 2021

Форма участия: Очно-заочная

Срок подачи заявок: 25.07.2021

Индексирование сборника: Scopus, Web of Science

Цена участия: Conference Fees IEEE Member: 9 680 RUB Non-IEEE Member: 11 900 RUB Second paper submission: 8 000 RUB

Организаторы: Новосибирский государственный технический университет

Контактный телефон: +7 (913) 752 5267

emal: [email protected];[email protected]

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General information
You are invited to take part in the XV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Actual Problems Of Electronic Instrument Engineering” APEIE-2021 to be held by Novosibirsk State Technical University and IEEE Russia-Siberia Section on 19 – 21 November 2021.
APEIE has become a traditional event for scientists and engineers from all over the world involved in Electronic instrumentation.
Sceintiest, engineers, graduate and PhD students
1 Electronic devices, nanotechnology and microsystem engineering.
2 Medical electronic devices
3 Electrical engineering and power engineering
4 Radio engineering and telecommunication systems
5 Information-measuring technologies
6 Mathematical modeling of processes and devices
7 Optical and laser technologies
Important dates
Paper Submission Deadline 25.07.2021
Notification of Acceptance Date: 30.09.2021
Сopyright transfer to IEEE: 01.11.2021
Conference payment Deadline: 08.11.2021
Start conference: 19.11.2021
End Conference: 21.11.2021
Conference language: English
Conference proceedings:
All full papers sent for conference proceedings will be subjected to double blind reviewing process
It is permitted to publish only reports with new scientific results not previously published anywhere (translation of an earlier published article in any other language is not allowed).
Non-original reports will be rejected.
Papers of only submitted reports are sent to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
A report is considered submitted if it is voiced and discussed during the conference.
At the end of the conference, peer-reviewed articles will be sent to the IEEE eXplore Digital Library.
IEEE makes every effort to index the proceedings of the conference in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, but does not guarantee the indexation of works in any particular database.


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